Jehosaphet's Replies

Agreed...its a movie I've had on the back burner to watch and then just couldn't take my eyes off it once started...great movie, amazing performance by Chadwick... Its one of those movies I could have stood another hour of...didn't want it to end, was compelling as hell with fully fleshed characters, what cinema is all about, this movie. That's a good point...that it was a closed thing for him. He had no real dog in the fight anymore. Yeah I liked the series but talk about an unsatisfying tainted the whole thing. Everything was leading up to what the hell had happened with this guy...and it fell flat. There really doesn't seem to be a whole lot to work with when it comes to Biden. People were upset that SNL lent credence to the notion of him having dementia through their impersonation, but I've wondered if they didn't really have much of a choice....there doesn't seem to be much to go on. Trump, on the other hand, has plenty...and Baldwin seems to have screwed it up anyway by overplaying it. His impression is so over-the-top that the lack of nuance...its just not funny, IMO. I don't think I've even chuckled these last few seems as silly as it is mean spirited. There's a lot of material to skewer Trump with, the guy is a jackass, but a more reserved impression could have done a better job of it IMO. Yeah I wouldn't classify it as OCD either, but its definitely a bit of a fixation, right? Don't get me wrong, its pretty intriguing to hear the perspective of someone who has a hang-up like you do, and how noticeable stuff is that most wouldn't even blink at. I never really thought about it before, but yeah...toothbrushing scenes are pretty ubiquitous, you must have to fast forward somewhat regularly. Did your parents have the same rule with you as a kid? About not talking while brushing your teeth? I don't think he's denying that it is. Sounds more to me like someone with a personal hang-up just wanted to vent about having to see so much of it in the show here, which...I don't know, is kind of interesting. Like someone with an aversion to feet griping about a Tarantino movie...its not the movie fact, its that the continual shots of feet kept them from enjoying what was otherwise probably a great movie. Hence the frustration. No real need to jump in with "That's YOUR problem, not the movie's pal!" Yeah...I think they get that. That's funny, I was actually wondering while watching the scene what I'd hear about it later. Because I don't know much about the law, but if that wasn't hearsay, I don't know what was. Definitely one of those moments that required actively suspending disbelief. Definitely wasn't something you'd hear at a trial...someone saying what someone else had said. Its kind of hard to take it seriously...its been around so long that it seems like it should be being said ironically. So for someone to say it seriously says more about them than anything else. Just such a silly retort that it didn't even register on my radar up there. It was a pretty by-the-numbers movie. Boy has dream, father isn't supportive, whole town throws in behind him, boy sees success, father finally proud. I just finished watching it for the first time, and am replying to a ten year old topic...because yeah, it wasn't exactly as amazing as you'd heard it made out to be, but it was also twenty years ago. Kind of an old school feel-good story that you've seen so many times by now as to not have to see the movie to know the plot. There was a mini series on that case, in case you missed was very, very good, way compelling. Its maybe two years old by now if you want to look it up...definitely worth a look. Hah awesome! I saw the similarity in the plot but didn't catch any of those, very nice! I was waaay attracted to her some months ago, but upon further inspection...I just don't know anymore, damnit. She looks weird when side by side with other people...but by herself? Those big eyes...she almost looks like Bambi brought to life as a person. Pretty exotic looking, but like...RIGHT on the line of attractive as hell or alien-ish. There was a natural charisma with Ritter, and the show was good natured enough, but dude, you're absolutely right. Every. single. episode had a scenario where two people were behind closed doors, saying things that could be interpreted by someone listening in as being of a sexual nature. Annnnd that was pretty much the show. Just kind of a goofy sleaziness where if it wasn't this situation, there was some mixup about Ritter's sexuality, and he had to pretend to be gay....or something. I remember realizing how one-note this show was back as a young teenager, when I absolutely loved it...before suddenly understanding it was always the same thing. Like the ball dropped (AhAHAHhAHAAHAHAAA!!! (how that pun would have went over in front of one of their studio audiences) after watching yet another "misunderstanding" scene, and that show was all over for me. MAN the humor in this show was thin. Still love John Ritter though, the guy exuded a certain charm that I'm not sure I've seen from any other actor since. LONG dead thread, but just saw this movie last night...not knowing anything about the controversy. And it struck me as odd, almost immediately, that there were no subtitles for what the person was saying who was rescuing the he dragged her to safety. This was odd. Maybe it was realistic, as Mom didn't speak the language, but it was also immediately evident that we weren't going to be seeing these indigenous people as anything more than backdrops in the story. I don't stuck out...and then to come look up the movie here and see the controversy, kind of makes sense. I can see why people were displeased. Such an old thread, but that was a weird scene. The lady next to them suddenly starts coughing up...something, it looks like blood. Then Mom suddenly starts coughing up something, looks like blood...the music is swelling, it suddenly looks like we're watching a horror movie, OMG wtf is happening, WTF IS GOING ON HERE, the music crescendos, its throbbing, hammering...her kid is screaming, "STOP IT, STOP IT MOMMA!!" bloody horror, OMG OMG...something comes out of Mom's mouth...what the hell is that, what could it be?? She's done coughing...she lays down and closes here eyes. End scene. I don't know about anyone else, but I was sitting here like...what the living hell was that all about? No explanation to what she coughed up...why it was that she began coughing at the exact same time as the neighbor lady... That scene was weird as hell, it made zero sense. Like it'd been too long since the last dramatic moment so they just did a half-ass job in creating one. I think its the scope. Like, Wolf guy stole from individual investors, Bernie stole from people who ran investment firms, where people had their retirement accounts, 401ks...he tapped directly into where tens of thousands of people had stashed their life's savings, their nest egg. The stock market itself is volatile...the investment firms are generally much more careful, take much more limited risks on what they invest in. Its why its generally a good idea to invest in them. By bilking these firms, Madhoff ruined the lives of thousands of people. Upwards of 35,000 people saw their entire life's work vanish virtually overnight. It was pretty brutal and it sent a signal that this kind of scheming wouldn't be tolerated. That being said, I forget Wolfie's name, but yeah that guy should have gotten a much harsher sentence either way. Sincere question...what did you like about it? What makes it good enough that you doubt anything will be better this year? I just saw it wanted to like it, but am still trying to figure out what was to like lol Oh yeah...well you know how you can justify something while watching it so that it makes sense? I don't know if its right or wrong, but I concluded that he'd overblown the "SO DANGEROUS" bit in order to better keep her close, under his control, to better facilitate his use of her as a mouthpiece for American propaganda. Seems like he WOULD have jumped out after her if he really believed it was as dangerous as he'd led her to believe. So seems like he was exaggerating a bit there, maybe. That's my take, it'd be interesting to hear another. Hah that makes an incredible amount of sense...never thought of that. Not sure what you mean about seconds to discuss strategy...but if I'm reading it right, I'd say to refer back to that scene where she was coming into her room, looked down the hall and could see her opponent in his own room, discussing the strategy of their game with a couple other people. And earlier in the series something was said about the Russian strategy, how they work as a team...Americans don't on account of their individualism, remember that? Oh jeesh, you mean "seconds" as in a second person...yeah never mind. I don't think she had anyone to come with...she'd isolated herself from virtually everyone at that point, I believe. Kind of why that phone call was such an emotional brought everyone back together for her. I think she got out of the car because she was thinking back to what her Mother said about how others will try to use you to their own ends, how she'd spend her whole life trying to please others. It was maybe symbolic of her realization that the man had no power over her, that she was going to do as she would choose and wasn't going to be used as propaganda against the Russian people. The same Russian people she chose to go play chess was kind of cool that she didn't buy into the rhetoric of the time. I don't know, I JUST finished watching a few minutes ago and that was my take. Also that I was blown away by this series in general...just good story telling right here =] Wow, just finished watching the movie and yet was wholly captivated by your summary excellent review for an amazing film, well done! I'd just add that this is one of those movies you can add to your long-term re-watch list...hell, I'm already looking forward to seeing it again...this was as much an experience as it was entertainment. Extremely compelling stuff here that had me hooked from the opening segment.