Jehosaphet's Replies

I thought that ultimately she was looking for proof...remember that her husband had given her the ultimatum to either leave for rehab or he was going to kick her out...either way she wouldn't have been there to protect her children. So she needed something to point her husband to in order to be believed. Ditto Does the word "context" mean anything to you? Because different words are used in different scenarios, and in the sentence you attempted to correct me on, the correct word is disinterest. "You came here to announce your uninterest"...that sounds right to you? Cmooon.... Diction or context, schooling is still the right word as well, but truth be told I generally don't make pains to try and sound like I know how to grammar correctly anyway, I enjoy writing fluidly and with a touch of humor that sometimes plays with the words themselves. But I also don't try to correct others...whether it be their grammar or whatever else, just because its difficult not to sound condescending but also because I can't always be 100% confident that I know what I think I know, and honestly, there's not much more humbling than being corrected on a correction. That's awesome you've been published numerous times...myself only twice, but then you have to know that there are often editors involved in the process that'll correct your stuff, don't always have to be a grammatical genius in that realm, you know? Why the hell did you answer this ten months later? Lol wtf...get back to writing your shit, the readers are waiting! I just got home from it, don't remember any Charlie being mentioned but also wasn't looking for it..who's Charlie? My exact thought on this film...was going to wait and watch it at home but had heard a couple different times how much of a big-screen movie it is...and after seeing it, yeah it'd have definitely been a shame to not experience it in all its glory. Oh, and the theater had their speakers pumped up pretty much so that I was a little worried it might be too much at first, but it ended up being perfect. What a ride, great movie! You know...I'd be interested in seeing a single example of that. Someone complaining about a poorly written character and someone else jumping all over them calling them a racist etc? Because I'm as liberal as they come and think she was a poor character... Where'd you see this? Know what I think? I think its bullshit...something you hear time and time again about how you just "Can't say anything without being called" whatever. Its not true. At all. Oh my God dude... This is really too silly to reply to but I'll just say that I can imagine someone saying the same thing if the bad guy was a man, how once again men are put in as the evil bastard... Now its a black woman and its about how she had to win over the man who... whatever, this is stupid. And old. Here's the post I came here for lol Yeah I enjoyed the episodes a lot...its a great show. So much so that the chase scenes seemed so out of place, they were bad. BAD bad. So bad that I looked up the actress to check her age...she somehow looks like she's 6-7 years old but no, apparently she's 9, maybe even ten now. Because she didn't look much more difficult to catch than a really. At one point Obi is right behind her as she starts to run off, they round a corner and suddenly he's a good 20 yards behind her... It was bad, it was silly and it was weird as hell that they didn't figure out a better way to shoot that considering how well done the rest of the episodes seemed to be. Really pulled me out of the show. Also, thank you...yeah I didn't much realize what was going on with that Reva woman and yeah, that's it...she's just not selling it for me. That's exactly it. This is a silly reply. Edit, I see you amended your stance there. Yeah not everyone is looking for a fight, good call. I was heading to the theater this weekend to watch it when I saw it came out on digital...really glad I didn't spend the thirty bucks on tickets. This was one I really wanted to like but yeah your sentiment sums up my experience pretty well. I had no inkling it was going to be such a mediocre slog...pretty disappointed here. Too funny, just watched the movie and was wondering the same thing. I think she's too big of an actress for it to have actually been her though...most likely a double. Oh okay. I can't rightly explain how frustrated I was having to sit here and watch her wailing...all eyes on her, everyone waiting for her to finish bawling her eyes out, including us, so we could get on with the journey/show. This being the second time in what? Two weeks? That they're all being held hostage by her drama? So when she concludes her wailing by riding up and growling that line, "Time's bein' wasted", I actually yelled "Oh fuck you" to my TV. Way too much, way too silly that this show has decided to focus on her drama. Personally, being older man, I just can't see her struggle from anything other than an adult's perspective...relating much more to her father than to her. And this guy is doing his damndest trying to get his family to Oregon while she's running around falling in love with guys along the way, threatening to join the damn Comanchee nation or whatever. Dude has to be about to lose his shit having to deal with her antics on top of everything else... And for her to ride up like that, "Taahm's bein' wasteeed". Oh fuck you. If I was her Dad, I'd have wanted to shoot myself in the head right then and there than to have to deal with any more of her drama. "Time's bein' wasted", you're damn right it is...its being wasted on you and your bullshit. And it might be an overreaction on my part, but this has been coming since she first exchanged flirtatious glances with that Indian guy and I was sure that there's no way we were going to have to be put through the same drama a second time in so few episodes., it won't happen, there's no way they'd do that, right? Didn't her fiancé JUST die? Nope, they did it, we had to slog through it...and to see her growling about time being wasted, in that dramatic fashion of hers, oh fuck you lol you don't get to say that! "I made it for you, son! Look how nice it turned out!" LOL Lol because it took me awhile to give up on it. I think last night's episode did it though... I thought this was some epic story about a cross-country danger-crusade through the rough...not some know-everything teenage girl's love life drama. Jesus this last episode was so bad. My personal take is that its just too difficult for people to try and wrap their head around stuff like this. This is just one instance, let alone a justice system that likely has thousands of stories just like this one waiting to be told. Its much easier to tell yourself a story...that people somehow get what they deserve, that this is just the other team rattling on about the same bullshit they always do, trying to make white people look bad or whatever... In fact, it seems like you can boil it down to what kind of person you choose to be. If you want it easy in life, then just paint with broad strokes, compartmentalize, tell yourself whatever you want to hear, give in to that darker part of human nature where you pretend you have all the answers. Or you can actively try and monitor yourself to not be that kind of person. At least attempt to put yourself in others' shoes and realize that ideas like 'truth' and 'justice' are bigger than you and your tribal bullshit...they mean something, they're concepts that our forefathers built this country around and its on the people themselves to ensure they're upheld. If that needs to start by just acknowledging issues where they're seriously lacking, so be it...but for people to shit on a movie highlighting injustice because its too "liberal" or whatever...maybe take a hard fucking look at your politics, you know? You're actively shitting on this country's ideals, if just in your own little way and I sure hope you don't consider yourself a patriot. Sorry, didn't mean to say all that, just never really thought about it like that, but it makes sense, right? I was blown away by this...didn't seem like something that could happen in this country, the land of the free, justice for all, etc. Like, the older I get, the more I realize that this isn't the country I was raised to believe it was. Good points btw, was nice to hear your perspective. Even if it falls on deaf ears otherwise =P Seems like its the conservative mantra...all sorts of talk and showboating various principles...right the fuck up until its something that affects them personally. Remember how the blacks celebrated OJ getting off? I'm not sure how old you are, but there was a HUGE discrepancy between how white and black people took the verdict. And the reason for that is because to the blacks, it wasn't just one of their own, but it highlighted the flaws in the American justice system. How having money and status can hold sway over even the most regarded institutions. Blacks celebrated the shit out of that, or at least many of them did. And for you to use that as "proof" that the justice system treats people equally, black or white, is pretty far past absurd. Exactly where I'm at. Why was Dexter suddenly crapping his pants to get out of his cell and "find my son"? Where this sudden urgency? Because its that urgency that undoes everything he'd thus far achieved. And he just suddenly grabs Logan and puts him in a chokehold, thereby confirming to Logan that he IS indeed dangerous, and eliciting the response of him going for his gun. All while Dexter quietly informs the audience that he didn't want him to be a hero...that he just needed to go find his son. WTF Dexter, you say that shit out the person you're choking out, who, for the love of everything holy, you do NOT want going for his gun. On account of that being the nail in your own coffin and all. But nope...Dexter just goes nuts and loses everything that made Dexter Dexter; his careful deliberate actions, his calculated intelligence...dude just goes completely out of character and then yeah, further screws up his son when all is said and done, and he's dead. Show over. CMON. Yeah him killing Logan...never saw that coming. I didn't understand the urgency...and of course that's when the voiceover pops up and Dexter is talking about "Don't be a hero, Logan, I just need to get back to my son" Firstly...why not say that out loud? Logan has his doubts but knows there's a possibility that Dexter is a serial killer, so...having Dexter surprise you with a chokehold is of course going to have him thinking he's dealing with a murderer. By not saying that out loud, Dexter was inviting Logan to react the way he did. Secondly, what's the sudden rush to get out? Its like Dexter was suddenly having a panic attack, "I just need to get to my son!". Why? Maybe its something I missed, but why was there suddenly a rush? Also? Why did the Sheriff go to investigate the location of the bodies by herself, then suddenly panic afterward when realizing that Logan was still back at the precinct with Dexter? She told him to stay put, finds the bodies...and then is suddenly, "OMG LOGAN!" and high-tails it back to the police station. What? How did finding those bodies give her any more agency when it came to Logan being alone with Dexter? So much of the last 15 minutes of this episode left me scratching my head. Dexter pointing those bodies out was his way out, those were his ticket to ride. He hadn't incriminated himself during the interview, he was free to plan his next course of action...and suddenly just HAS to break out of jail immediately for some reason having to do about worrying about his son for some reason.