Jehosaphet's Replies

Good info, thanks for taking the time...and that was funny lol LOL I definitely said this a lot while watching, exactly what it reminded me of, very good lol It DOES matter...because its true. Its generally the fugly guys that judge women solely on their appearance as a form of misogyny cause you can't get one. Or just immature, highly narcissistic, whatever, pick a shitty trait or three on top of fugly. Wow, I like you. This is the kind of delusion that only a Trump supporter could conjure. That is...laughable at best. OMG man, read virtually any book put out by virtually anybody who was in Trump's cabinet or near him during his time in the white house. He's an idiot who has no time for anyone else's input, wholly self absorbed, ultra-horrible to work for as he pitted people against each other constantly... The same things stated again and again, over and call him an absolute douche is such an understatement as to be silly. He talked shit about virtually every person that worked for him...every person that he hired suddenly became idiots, losers, etc...holy shit how out of touch can you be with this post. Right a reader of this where this thread went to being about being personal. It generally works this way because there's no real defending Trump, there's only casting aspersions on his detractors. The conversation was about Trump and his its about Jinx being a liar who likes a lie...because she mis-categorized his sexual assault as rape... So see, Trump doesn't suck...Jinx does!! JFC this happens again and again Pretty much just summed up how I felt about it too, good summary. I don't know...if you'd read my post, you'd have read my asking whether or not this is the way people actually talked back then, so...I'm doubting it. Don't remember ever seeing this, but yeah...once you start glorifying the perfect foot, anything less than just cannot be abided by. But...that being said, her second toe is enough of a beast that it should have been a deal breaker when it came to deciding on those closeups, cmon now lol I'm with you...and have to agree that now that the Dunning Krueger effect, or whatever its called, has been introduced into the popular lexicon, its become more of a buzzword, a put-down for those with that kind of a knee-jerk reaction to being contradicted. It doesn't nearly have the clout it could have if it were used less frequently like that. But yeah, I'm also thinking of Tarentino insisting that he be the one to choke that one actress in Inglorious Basterds...are there other things? I could see him having some other motivation for portraying feet the way he does, is all...that's an interesting take that'll have to be explored further =] That's amazing...I never considered that... Also in the same movie, the hippy girl with her feet smashed up against the windshield? They looked pretty bad there too.. Yeah that's something to think really does seem like he went out of his way to make sure the feet don't come across as "pretty". That was me making fun of you...on account of your trying so hard to be seen as smart? Your taking it literal is just more evidence of your dumbassery. Also, what the hell is a phras? Mr. "You can't write for shit". lol You should get your ducks in a row if you're going to go around being such a pedantic little twat. Otherwise it just kinda looks like desperate posturing from someone insecure about their own intellect. Its alright man, you don't have to always be the smartest guy in the room. You're trying WAY too hard here, guy. If it wasn't so condescending it'd be a little sad. But, yeah you just sound like a prick. Just wanted to point out that I've read this twice and really appreciate what looks like tact in your explanation. Whether you disagree politically with him or not, there's a palpable sense of objectivity here that you wouldn't normally find in discussions like this. Very well not only seem intelligent as hell, but as a great candidate for arbitrating a discussion between two people with opposing political viewpoints. Just impressed, is all...very good ebhaynz. Huh, interesting. I liked that it was unique...and yeah good point, it stuck with me for a bit so that's saying something. Thanks for your post here as well, I'm going to have to watch that Assistant movie now. I've never seen that actress in anything subpar so I'm betting on it despite its mediocre rating. Some movies just aren't for everyone. Its been too long now since I've seen this, but it seems like you picked up on more than I did. That makes it make a lot more sense though...and yeah I guess being a psychopath kind of negates the necessity of having rock-solid reasoning to begin with! Thanks Inamina Lol it was a great show, tons of heart...not sure why anyone would be gloating about it getting cancelled but people are weird here, I guess.