MovieChat Forums > The Boys (2019) Discussion > S4 Finale was enjoyable

S4 Finale was enjoyable

While almost entirety of S4 was mindnumbing stupid and crazy most of the finale was kinda enjoyable.

I'm still not clear on the whole Universe these guys exist in because there's clearly 100s of superheroes like X-men but somehow they're afraid of the human govt? Makes no sense.

Many other puzzling things exist but at least the finale was pretty well done. It had action, several character plot resolution and set up for hopefully a Breaking Bad like action thriller S5.

If S5 also has only 8 episodes and filled with nonsense filler and bad directing and acting, then it will be a shame because S4 at least ended with a bang.

Finally, we'll have some X-men style action I hope? With 2 factions fighting it out. I hope every episode ends with some major char going away and ending up with only humans at the end. Even Ryan is basically becoming Homelander and pretty sure he will end Homelander with Soldier Boy and Butcher. Maeve 100% comes back in S5.

Anyways, lets see what happens. I rate the S4 finale a good 7.5/10 and S4 overall a 5/10


I found the finale to be good. I felt the season as a whole was the weakest yet, but they left a lot of reasons to be excited for season 5. Mallory and Neuman’s deaths were hard-hitting (Mallory especially). I’m also glad about how Frenchie ended. In the opening episodes, he was an annoying gay dude. But in the last 2 episodes, they put him back in his original role, as the science mastermind of the group who’s in love with Kimiko. I’m not too thrilled about how they incorporated the Gen V characters at the end though (I hated Gen V and want less of them)

A big downside of these kind of series is that we have wait a year or two between seasons. The next season for The Boys might come out in 2026


The finale was one of my favorite episodes of the series if not my favorite.

I will agree in this was the weakest season. Last 2 episodes and episode 5 being the only good episodes. It could have been 4 episodes and cut out the filler.

Mallory went a bit overboard, throwing all that stuff at Ryan at once. Not saying she deserved it but trying to gas him was a little too much. Frenchie and Hughie's mom storylines were a waste of time.

I like Gen V, liked it way more than I thought I would. Enjoyed seeing these characters.

Wanted to see Neuman make it longer. She was a good character. But ultimately she got what she deserved. It showed how strong Butcher is and how he is determined to finish off supes.

Next season should be real good. Starlight is fully recognizing all her powers and may be a lot stronger than thought. What is Ashley going to become. How much is A train going to help out.


Pretty much just summed up how I felt about it too, good summary.
