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mat's Replies
Yes, it is a comedy. An unfunny one.
I saw it and I agree with this review. "Maniac" is a mess of a show.
Yes, I've heard season 3 is the best one but I'm not sure I should give it a chance since I've also heard the entire show is good... And I'm really disappointed with the first 2 seasons. The only episodes I liked are maybe the last one in the 1st season and the first one in the 2nd season. I really liked the climate of the second episode but that plot...
I couldn't believe how dumb this plot is.
It was terrible. She was terrible. She's a bad actress. The scene wasn't even funny. Like most of the movie.
You could say that about any performances (@apples and oranges)
Both movies felt more like comedies to me. And both actors played serious roles in those comedies (as much as you can play Wiseau seriously, that is :D ).
You say Kaluuya nailed the scene in which he was hypnotized.
Franco nailed the whole character. He really WAS Tommy in Disaster Artist. Throughout the whole movie.
I'd like to again point out I actually liked 'Get Out' and Kaluuya. I just feel sorry for the others who were IMHO even better.
This is very bad for this movie. It's gonna get hated. Because obviously it didn't deserve the nomination. Don't get me wrong, I liked it. But 2017 was a really good year in movies. And Get Out definitely was not among the best (where's Florida Project? I, Tonya? Blade Runner? Even Disaster Artist deserved it more (and definitely Franco deserved it more than Kaluuya...)
It's clear that she did know - take for example the scene when she drives him home after the American pedobear left and she smokes a cigarette nervously while the boy cries. Or before, when she asks the boy if he likes the American pedobear cause in her opinion it seems that the pedobear likes him a lot.
Yes, he was either bi or gay. After what he said, his son asks him: "does mom know?"
PS. That conversation (or rather monologue) was the only thing I liked about this movie (and maybe Marzia).
This is funny. Sometimes the points you've mention would make me hate a movie as much as you hated TSOW. I don't know why but other times I completely ignore plot holes and absurdities if a movie has something else to offer. This one certainly has. It's very unique. It's beautiful. It's green. And I think it's consistent - it never tries to be serious.
I was confused after watching it. But the more I think of it, the more I like it. You just have to treat it as a fairy-tale. At Golden Globes it was nominated in the Drama category which is in my opinion totally wrong. If they didn't show tits and [SPOILER AHEAD] a cat without its head, it could have been a pretty good family movie.
What these movies have in common if I may ask?
And hurt the dentist's thumbnail pretty badly... And burnt the police station...
I completely agree. Especially when compared to his brother, who was Tommy incarnate in this movie, Dave was miscast badly. And when he had longer hair and beard he looked so artificial, like a small cartoonish version of Greg.
The actress portraying Lisa was also nothing like the original but she had a really small part in this movie. Which was also kind of disappointing considering how important this character was in The Room.
Overall, the Disaster Artist was quite satisfying.
I came here to share exactly same thoughts.
This episode felt so much different than the others. And it wasn't only due to the fact it introduced new faces leaving out the familiar ones. It simply missed the atmosphere, seemed forced and artificial and one could/should expect so much more after seeing the intro in episode 1.
But most of all, those new characters were so annoying, so unappealing... (well, same goes for Max and her step brother... season 2 really messed it up when it comes to new characters)
I understand it's done with season 3 in mind. But it hurt season 2 since it wasn't executed properly.