MikeHunt12345's Replies

Well it depends on how you define "meltdown", I meant it more figuratively. As far as I know, they haven't screamed and cried over those things, but they have been extremely angry over them. And I don't see what this has to do with the election. That means take the loss, right? You mean like Trump's supporters did in 2020? I'm not even a Trump or Kamala supporter, I just thought I'd point out the irony. Yes, I am referring to Dylan Mulvaney. Lots of people were angry about the brief lesbian kiss in Lightyear. Lots of people are angry that one of the playable characters in GTA 6 is a woman. Lots of people were angry about Lizzo playing James Madison's flute. Lots of people are angry over any jokes or criticism of Trump, and say it's all TDS. I gave multiple examples in my OP. Another example is how angry you are right now. I already gave a list of examples in my OP. Well a lot of the stuff they complain about is ridiculous, and even when they complain about something valid, they often heavily overreact. You sound rather triggered, further proving my point. It’s subjective, since it’s not really a real word, but I’d say it means going overboard needlessly trying to please groups such as women, people of colour, LGBT people, etc. I have no idea what you’re referring to there. So you're saying you're against free speech? I don't see how it's a "necessary correction", creating more snowflakes doesn't solve any problem, it just adds more problems. I don't like wokeness either, but I think the issue is heavily exaggerated, and saying it "must be eradicated" sounds kinda anti free speech. I agree, and that's why he shouldn't have let her win. There's nothing compassionate about treating her like a baby. Treating her like an equal human being is compassionate. Well I don't see how Tenacious D ruined things, as far as I know they've never supported cancel culture. And even if they did, I'd still say it's wrong. If you're truly against cancel culture, you shouldn't want it to happen to anyone. Well a lot of people are saying it was actually the venues that cancelled them. Even if it was Black's decision, I'd argue the fact that he felt the need to means he was cancelled by the internet's definition. OK, well unless I have severe amnesia and I did something to you I forgot about, I'm gonna assume you kinda need professional help. Um, I am very confused, what exactly are you angry about? Yes, nothing should be off limits in comedy. If you think I should be on a watch list for saying that, shouldn't you also think pretty much every comedian should be on a watch list? I don't know anything about the whole Israel Palestine situation, but if I did I'm sure I would make jokes about it, I love dark humour. I know, but lots of people are blaming Jack Black, probably because he’s more famous. How is his friend inconsiderate for making a harmless joke? It was presented as a joke, that makes it a joke. It’s possible he secretly meant it, but unless you can read minds, you have no evidence. Why should he say something over a harmless joke?