AtomicBlonde's Replies

it's hard to even believe a film like this is in the same universe as Daredevil, The Punisher, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage You're under the impression young women don't watch these films. Tyra Banks gained weight I think that's why people rag on her now. But I agree about Angelina, she has aged badly. she's still not ugly though. Millie Bobby Brown; what a UGLY little bitch lol Fair enough, but I don't think the tone is becoming of the mythology. I think a gritty Norse fantasy action movie could have worked like others said. It's just Vikings with fantasy. They could have made a serious Thor movie work, if they wanted to. I just think Joss Wheadon set a tone Disney was comfortable with and it got broadly applied to everything. Meaning it's not under a microscope the same way mainstream film industry is. Agreed pay for play will still be a big thing. HOWEVER I think it'll be easier for women to combat it now (if they so choose) thanks to social media and mainstream news media. I think the music industry will be a harder nut to crack because nobody really respect music artist the same as they do actors. The modeling industry is a grey area, i'm from that world. and fear Like someone said earlier it's not really conservatism. It's bigotry hidden behind faux conservatism. REAL conservatism died a long time ago in the 60's. Also you know what gives it away about the fantasy being underdeveloped? The fact no one actually discusses the fantasy elements. That's a dead give away. The relationship with trump and his supporters reminds me of the story of The Farmer & The Viper, except the farmers [b]KNOW[/b] they're likely dooming themselves. As long as the viper hurt those "[I]other people[/I]" they don't like. It seems that Martin is more interested in fictional history porn than the actual fantasy elements of his series. Being a history buff and all that's not terribly surprising but still. There's a lot of other stuff that goes on in the far east as well that he refuses to expand upon or even confirm....because of reasons apparently. Yeah Witcher is based on Slavic folklore If there's a sequel that's of the same quality as the original it will bomb. The general public for whatever reason just don't like that movie. Taylor Swift is pretty but she's flat as a ironing board. She did get some fake tits recently though. I have experience with the model world. I been in the industry sense I was about 12. Glamour model industry love sex appeal, the models in glam tends to be primarily about make up and sex appeal. Which is why you tend to get skinny but voluptuous, and filled out women in that industry. High fashion models on the other hand is a COMPLETLY DIFFERENT animal. Women are picked in that industry tend to be 6ft androgynous mannequins with really sharp facial features, and borderline unhealthily thin. High fashion puts emphasis on fashion, edginess, and uniqueness, sex appeal is optional. Runway models are basically just living dolls for designers. Jessica Chastain.. have ya'll seen that bitch without make up??....WHAT A DOG! I meant 4 my bad. Oh well then The Strain had a decent run eitherway Sage think's she's white. She's the type of black person that would try to suck up to me thinking i'm some simple white girl who'll like her because she's brownnosing me. I'm not that type of white girl.