SnagsWolf's Replies

Notice the libs aren't addressing the issues raised by the OP. Just resorting to insults and non-sequiturs. That's what happens when the facts aren't on your side. Why didn't Mueller know what Fusion GPS was? How could determining the truthfulness of the source document that created this investigation be 'out of his purview'? The only people who believe that bullshit are the drooling Dems, foaming at the mouth and screaming "Impeach Him" at the top of their lungs, no matter where the facts lead. You sound angry, Sandoz. I guess your day didn't turn out the way you thought it would. Hahahahaha! [quote]Mueller will testify live before Congress on July 24th![/quote] Hahahahahaha!!!! All that hype for that? Mueller looked like a bumbling fool. He didn't even know what was in his own report. He also admitted that his was the first Justice Department investigation in history to claim that its unindicted subject was not exonerated. Under U.S. law, people are presumed innocent. It's not the job of the Justice Department to exonerate them. Interesting back and forth with Congressman Doug Collins: Collins: "Collusion and conspiracy are essentially synonymous terms, correct?" Mueller: "No." Collins: "If no, on page 180 of Vol. 1 of your report, you wrote, 'As defined in legal dictionaries collusion is largely synonymous with conspiracy, as that crime is set forth in the general federal conspiracy statute 18 USC 1871.' … I'm reading your report, sir. It's a yes or no answer." Mueller: "Page 180?" Collins: "Page 180 Vol. 1. This is from your report." Mueller: "Correct. And I, um, I, I, I, I, I, um, leave it with the report." Collins: "So the reports says they are synonymous. Hopefully, for finally, out of your own report we can put to bed the collusion and conspiracy." LOL! Did Mueller even read the Mueller Report? He didn't even know what Fusion GPS was. How could he be that clueless? Mueller also claimed it 'wasn't in his purview' whether or not Christopher Steele was lying. But he has no problem putting Trump's associates in jail for life for telling lies. The Steele Dossier is what this entire investigation is based on, and finding out if Steele lied wasn't in Mueller's purview? What a joke. And you expect intelligent people to swallow this bullshit? Keelai once again proves he can't look at a set of facts and come to a logical conclusion. It's all about politics to him. Not only that, they would re-write the story so that the astronauts were black, Asian, Mexican, Russian, Muslim, and women. And we certainly can't have all of that Jingoistic Nationalism driving the space program. I wasn't aware that it was her when I saw it, but thinking back, there did seem to be something wrong with Nala's voice. My opinion is just the opposite. I thought they did a fantastic job with the animal's faces, with the most moving scenes for me between Simba and Mufasa. The short 'Be Our Guest' scene was new and hilarious. [quote]Mueller's report was about finding evidence of Russia's meddling in the 2016 elections.[/quote] Yeah, it was a stereotype I created in my mind, that all of you morons were claiming that Mueller was going to indict Trump for collusion. Just a fantasy!!! Hilarious. You're living in denial, and you were one of them. Yeah, I'll be watching. For the laughs to see you idiots disappointed again. He's already said he has nothing more to add. But it's going to be interesting to hear his responses to the questions the Republicans will have for him. And back on point, it further proves you have no clue what evidence is. [quote]not to mention that they completely cutting Scar's Be Prepared song from the movie which is already pissing a lot of people off.[/quote] That's a lie. Stop spreading bullshit. [quote]Collusion doesn't exist as a legal offense[/quote] All you drooling liberals were the ones claiming Trump would be indicted for collusion before the Mueller Report came out. It was all over the Trump board here. Don't try to deny it. It's Mueller Time! Trump is going to be frog-marched out of the White House in handcuffs! Bwahahahahahaha! Again, a perfect example of your complete inability to interpret evidence. Now you want us to believe you? That's funny. Where's the evidence?! Where's the evidence?! (Said while holding a hand over his own eyes.) What a joke. This is why you're not taken seriously. Did you hear they removed the word 'gullible' from the dictionary because no one was looking it up? Hey, weren't you one the stooges who were claiming that Trump was going to be arrested for collusion? Based on no evidence at all? Hahahahha! Yeah, you really know how to read the evidence, kid. Still whining about a link, when you have all the evidence anyone with a brain needs in front of you. It's annoying when people are willfully stupid. And it's apparent to everyone they're only doing it because reality disagrees with their agenda. Where's the link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha! Yeah, I was expecting some kind of scene like a year later with her winning a swimming race. She gets out of the pool, showing off all of her scars and waves at her dad, who waves back with his prosthetic hand. Fade to black. They would be laughed out of court, just like people are laughing at you because of this post. As I said, the proof is easily available. You're willfully blind to ignore it. And calling you a liberal isn't political discussion. Just pointing out a fact, and the reason you're clueless about Smollett. Like the see-no-evil monkey, just keep your hands over your eyes. There's no proof! No proof at all! We're all laughing at you. Even Jussie is laughing at you. Living in denial, refusing to accept facts because of your liberal beliefs. Seen it before. [quote]I notice how you don't provide any link to any evidence.[/quote] The evidence is easily available. Some people are too stupid to understand it. Psychotic. This thread is funny. [quote]This thread is a perfect example of how liberals are capable of denying reality.[/quote] [quote]I searched on my own but couldn't find anything that would hold up in a courtroom.[/quote] Thanks for proving my point. Even most of those who were on Jussie's side have realized the truth. Only the diehard ideologues are still defending him.