LoveCatsHateDogs's Posts

Has this turned into GoT Season 8? I have learned from Andor "I would rather be an unhappy man than an unconvincing woman" Chlumsky vibes Is Shauna's daughter unlikeable? Does he still dare a motherfucker to cum in his face? Just found out it was cancelled The main character looked like a wet cat Poor man's Joel Kinnaman "Van Leuwen, why don't you just check out LV-426?" Sounds awful Anyone else noticed Starting to get a little silly So does everyone now agree that this was awful? People don't just walk around with dirt on their faces For all wondering if this will suck, just use the "Will it Suck?" checklist Waste of Carrie Coon Apparently hating jews, assaulting people on stage at awards ceremonies and beating women is OK How does this have a 7.1? I would rate this a point higher without that cable slicing scene