MovieChat Forums > yawkee24 > Replies
yawkee24's Replies
I remember the black kids in school would not write on the blackboard,
so they were put on the blacklist, I think that started on black Friday
you must consider where and by whom the bible was written,
The bible could only be written by those opium smoking Muslims in the mid east ,
because it is the most complex book ever written, no book or writing of any kind has even come close to being so convoluted
"Deuteronomy 22:5
A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God."
that's funny, I didn't know fig leaves came in men's and women's style.
you can tell that was written by those nut job Mid Eastern Muslims,
Adam and Eve where naked
It's the gay Jews that own Hollywood.
did you know the most important organ in the body is the brain?
wait, I think my brain told me to say that.
I say let them get married, they think it's a picnic? why just a man and a woman suffer, let the 2 guys fight it out, and 2 women??? ohhh I'd love to see that household,
Divorce Lawyers are thrilled, their business has doubled in states that allow same sex marriages,
nobody has the right to tell 2 people what they can and cannot do in their private lives, the Government sticks it's nose
in way too many places where it doesn't belong. however, I would certainly make it illegal for 2 guys to adopt a child and really screw up that poor kid, he/she will be teased through most of their school years, and may even resent being adopted by 2 gays
my admiration for those 6 idiots has changed forever, and Paul Newman's spaghetti sauce sucks.
"On Dec. 9, 1981, Officer Faulkner made a traffic stop on Abu-Jamal's brother, Billy Cook, who put up a fight. Abu-Jamal happened upon the scene, and shooting began. Faulkner ended up dead, and Abu-Jamal was shot in the chest.
A gun registered to Abu-Jamal, with five chambers empty, was on the sidewalk. Four witnesses who saw all or part of the shooting implicated Abu-Jamal. One witness said that after Faulkner went down, Abu-Jamal stood over him and sealed the deal with a bullet through the head.
And yet an international crusade to free Mumia--fueled by endorsements from Hollywood celebrities including Susan Sarandon, Paul Newman, Ossie Davis, Ed Asner, Tim Robbins and Alec Baldwin--has had people marching in the streets from Africa to Asia and beyond."
sorry bout that, I put 2 different statements together, the first part was to say that BS wasn't always correct with the English language, the second part which has nothing to do with the first part was just to tell Shogun who asked if "methinks" is a word, that it is actually a word and I added an example.
I edited my post so it would make more sense, methinks.
and as far as Shakespeare, don't know what you mean by "good adult sense" Shakespeare was a writing genius, he knew what was correct and not correct, but he chose to use his own words, he didn't care what others were writing, he wrote in his own world.
well, I like horses, so they call me "cowboy" which I don't understand because I don't like cows, but I also like girls, but they don't call me cowgirl, it's all so confusing.
although John Malkovich is a supreme actor, I got a kick out of Thomas Wilson, it's not easy to play those parts,
and he did a pretty good job with that screwy script.
BTW, there is nothing on my mind when it comes to MC, people are way too serious about mundane subjects, which is why my posts usually never make any sense by design
Biff (as in "back to the future?) you're talking to adults here, we all know what goes where, this post was just meant to lighten up the general discussion mood, but thanks for the platitudes anyway.
soo, what do they call a guy that likes horses instead of girls?
are you gay?
yes Glen, very well put, I wish I could express myself like that but I can't,
as far as the blacks, the browns, the yellows, the pinks (the French) go, If I say anything that offends them, screw em
weekends were made for Michelob, I like you too
Actually, it's little known that Billy S. wasn't always correct with the English language,
Shogun, methinks is a word.......Hamlet then turns to his mother and asks her, "Madam, how like you this play?", to which she replies "The lady doth protest too much, methinks
I run a tight ship, they only like me on Fridays
send me those pics also, please, and I never say please
Stratego, you're a female? now that's cool.
I love my boss, I would do anything for my boss, my boss is the best person in the world,
wait, I AM the boss of my company