MovieChat Forums > mplo > Replies
mplo's Replies
He (the shooter) was obviously a sick guy all around.
Moreover, whenever there's been a mass shooting like the Las Vegas shooting, people here in the United States go out and arm themselves to the teeth. When Norway had a similar mass-shooting afew years ago, norwegians called on their government to implement stronger and more affective gun control laws, which is what they got.
yawkee24, the fact that killers know people who sell dirty weapons are able to get around the laws, first of all because our gun laws are not strong enough or affective enough, and secondly, because various lawmakers here in the United States, from the President(s) on down, are unable and/or unwilling to enforce the laws, or make stronger ones. The NRA has affectively bullied lawmakers out of doing either of those things, and out of pressuring gun manufacturers to install things like tamperproof locks in the products. What's even more disgusting, and heartbreaking, is the fact that our lawmakers and other politicians, with damned few exceptions, have never, ever had the gumption to stand up to the NRA's and the Gun Lobby's bullying tactics.
Well, obviously there was something seriously wrong with the guy, mentally and/or emotionally and he was quite adept at hiding his problems until the time of the shooting, thus enabling him to get access to firearms.
He'll have a criminal record for sure, in the event that he's found, tried for and charged with his crimes; mass murder with a deadly weapon; a gun.
How so? Even the cops can't be everywhere at one time.
If the gun laws here in the United States are so affective, why are so many people getting access to them who really shouldn't, and why have we had so many mass shootings lately? There's something about our society and culture' dependency on the gun, that causes things like that to happen here in the United States as often as they do.
Imho, these laws should apply everywhere.
If somebody's going to call or text a loved one or whoever from their cellphone, they do not have the right to do it while they're driving, or to keep others in a check-out line waiting while s/he yaks to his/her loved one or whoever, on his/her cellphone about whatever. They should do the calling after they're out of the check-out line, and before they hit the road. What's there not to get?
My whole point is, jamesboland, is that not everybody will tolerate that kind of rude and inconsiderate behavior on the part of a person's being inconsiderate enough to keep other customers waiting in the check-out line while they yak on their cellphones to whomever about whatever.
That doesn't mean that it's a good thing. People do not have the right to do things that put other people's lives and/or generally safety at risk.
There is more entitlement, that's true, and it's gotten a lot worse.
Do I think the engineer has a blue tooth? Eh....who knows?
The problem is, yawkee24, is that guns are far too accessible here in the country. Stronger, more affective gun control laws have to be implemented. The fact that the United States, as a society and a culture, is so dependent upon the gun has come home to roost in more ways than one. We're now seeing the net results.
That "well-educated" woman was obviously doing something that disturbed other people; talking much too loudly on her cell-phone and using inappropriate language, where other people were disturbed by it. There's a time and place for everything, and loud phone calls/conversations, especially of the personal/dirty kind, are not appropriate when you're in close quarters with other people on a train or whatever. She should've been given a warning or two, and then if she refused to comply, then been ousted from the train.
Concentration on the job at hand--meaning driving goes out the window when people talk/text on their cellphone, thus putting lives and safety of people, including the driver him/herself, at risk. One momentary lapse of concentration and attention to the road and to what's going on around a person can result in the driver's death or serious injury, as well as that of other people. What's there not to get?
The fact that we've been having so many mass-shootings like this recent horrific one in Nevada indicates that firearms are far, far too accessible here in the United States. A lot of people refuse to face up to the facts that stronger, more affective gun control laws would save hundreds of lives.
Those laws are made for one's own protection, as well as that of others. They don't infringe on anybody's choices. They infringe on people's presumed rights to act irresponsibly and put other people's lives and general overall safety at risk. Try to realize that driving is NOT a right, but a privilege that can be taken away if it's abused
The United States never really was that tolerant of immigrants to begin with. It's far worse now, however.
There'd be many, many more accidents, maimings and/or deaths if many more people took your stupid-assed, crude and nasty give-a-s**t attitudes, jamesboland.
Sorry, jamesboland, but I still disagree with you. People don't always have the option of leaving a little earlier, for whatever reasons, and the busy mom or whoever, on his/her cellphone that keeps people behind him/her in line at the check-out counter is extremely inconsiderate and rude, s/he makes it very, very difficult not only for other customers, but for the cashier(s) to do their job.
It's funny that you're not only willing to put up with this crap, but that you expect others to do likewise. No, jamesboland, I won't put up with crap like that, and I never will. That busy-as-a-bee, inconsiderate mom or whoever that insists on talking on their cellphone while in line, keeping others waiting unnecessarily, and not giving a s**t about anybody but him/herself is a spoiled, nasty, rude, and disgusting brat. Anybody who pulls this kind of stunt where s/he keeps people waiting just to talk to their boss, their loved ones, or whoever doesn't deserve any sympathy if they get a nice boot in the ass for their spoiled brat behavior.
I, too, notice these particular people sometimes. They're quite underhanded, because they keep their phones hidden.