MovieChat Forums > voltaire2121 > Replies
voltaire2121's Replies
It was definitely rigged. I hope Trump fights him tooth and nail. Biden is definitely a puppet!!
No, you F off. It's civil war you, bastard. The dude hasn't even been sworn in yet and he is calling himself the President Elect, what kind of shlt show is this?
The casting! That Anabella Wallis is too pretty to be taken seriously. Why the hell wasn't she taken off duty when it was discovered she shot at that guy? And the ending was muddled, WTF? There are failings in story telling here.
Exactly, it's escapist fantasy. Nothing to take too seriously.
Scientology and gay rumours.
I don't know. I am on a Korean movie run.
They never spoke French. Don't lie.
Are Americans really that uncultured to not want to immerse themselves into some culture? Just read subtitles for frick's sakes.
Watch Outlander, at least that has nice moments.
Ahhhh THANKS!!!
Burk, don't listen to the naysayers, I saw it last night and it was meh....... you're right, it's unremarkable.
They can all go to therapy together. Everyone gets raped!
Yeah, but are you white, though?
You Americans wouldn't appreciate it anyway. Too foreign, and they speak entirely in French. Better stick to munching hamburgers.
90 days buddy, and I support his decision to leave the US and seek refuge in the KINGDOM OF FRANCE, too.
No one is saying what he did wasn't serious. I am saying the judge was a f'king retard and had a personal vendetta against him, and seriously and illegally mishandled the case.
He got 90 days psychiatric evaluation in the State slammer, and he served 42 days because he didn't need to serve the whole 90 days for them to evaluate him. BTW, this was the SECOND evaluation he had undergone. The first determined he wasn't a sexual deviant and reccommended PROBATION and timed served. The second was used as a punishment because the judge didn't want to listen to the first reccommendation. He cannot use a psychiatric evaluation as a form a punishment. He only did it because he knew Polanski's lawyer couldn't appeal it. Voila... another example of the judge's incompetence and mislandling of the case. This second psychiatric evaluation determined the same thing as the first's, that he wasn't a sexual deviant and it reccommended PROBATION and timed served. The f'king judge lost his mind.
Your info is off buddy, from Wiki for you:
[As a result of the plea bargain, Polanski pleaded guilty to the charge of "unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor",[143][144] and was ordered to undergo 90 days of psychiatric evaluation at California Institution for Men at Chino.[145] Upon release from prison after 42 days, Polanski agreed to the plea bargain, his penalty to be time served along with probation. However, he learned afterward that the judge, Laurence J. Rittenband, had told some friends that he was going to disregard the plea bargain and sentence Polanski to 50 years in prison:[144][146] "I'll see this man never gets out of jail," he told Polanski's friend, screenwriter Howard E. Koch.[147] Gailey's attorney confirmed the judge changed his mind after he met the judge in his chambers:
He was going to sentence Polanski, rather than to time served, to fifty years. What the judge did was outrageous. We had agreed to a plea bargain and the judge had approved it.[147][148]
Polanski was told by his attorney that "the judge could no longer be trusted" and that the judge's representations were "worthless".[149] Polanski decided not to appear at his sentencing. He told his friend, director Dino De Laurentiis, "I've made up my mind. I'm getting out of here."[147] On 31 January 1978, the day before sentencing, Polanski left the country on a flight to London,[150][151] where he had a home. One day later, he left for France.[152][153] As a French citizen, he has been protected from extradition and has lived mostly in France since then.[154] Since he fled the United States before final sentencing, the charges are still pending.]
He's 87 and may he reach 90 and beyond.