MovieChat Forums > GreenLantern

GreenLantern (188)


NOES Easter egg (maybe) Caroline (Spoiler) Was Sienna a joke about older looking teens in shows? The ghosts could have let him out So is Gavin... The tagline vs the movie First time making a first post Movie title from a (bad) scene description They used the (first) Insidious house right? View all posts >


I noticed that too lol. I even said out loud "how many companies financed this??" It didn't bother me, but glad I wasn't the only one who it stuck out to. Agreed. The final 5-10 minutes ruined what I thought was an okay, but overhyped, movie. The trippy part didn't work for me either because it really didn't flow with the vibe of the rest of the movie. To be honest it felt more like a stretched out anthology segment than a full movie. But it was alright. It shows her pass away. She is watching them leave, then her head goes limp and drops. I never got that eerie vibe at all. But probably because the movie dedicated time to showing the audience that Rod was actively looking for him (and arguing with Rose). It even showed him going to the police. None of that would make sense if he was in on it or had a sinister motive. Only way that could work is if he was doing all that to fool Chris...which obviously couldn't happen since Chris was abducted and could see nothing Rod is doing lol. I wondered about his mind as well, but he was only with "Howard" for what, two days? Seemed odd to me as well that all of a sudden he was more walrus than man when they found him. But the movie was enjoyable nonsense either way. Wish I hadn't waited this long to watch it. I assumed she may have been (after seeing the ending) just a recently deceased person. Kind of like the shocked situation Mia was in afterwards, it seemed to kind of play out the same way, with the little girl not speaking at first and gauging what was happening. 100%. Once they arrived at the manor they were done for lol. Really enjoyed the movie, few inconsistencies aside (like having cell reception one minute and none the next). Obviously. I said what the caretaker said, I never said by walking or driving. My point is that is was closer than town. Yes it's 15 minutes if driving, but that's how it's mentioned in the movie to show that it's close by. That they looked at the distance to town instead of his closer place is an oversight (because early in the movie they are off the main road for a long time looking for the manor). As much as I like the movie, I couldn't figure out why when they left to walk, they cut through the woods instead of taking the road they drove in on. Not to mention it seems they forgot the caretaker said his office was just fifteen minutes down the road and would have been even closer than town. Classic horror tropes lol Sure, I'll just spoiler cover it for others. <spoiler>Going from memory (I just watched it once the other night) the main thing was mentioning Andrew Tully and that he met two men (forget their names) and started their cult, which lead them to start the Abaddon Hotel. But it was just mentioned without much elaboration. Then in the video flashbacks to the 80's they show that those men were the original owners of the clown that is in every Hell House and that the son of the Carmichaels is inside it (that part doesn't make sense when you look back though, unless at some point in between the 80's and the first Hell House he died and came back as the clown).The figures they see in the woods when Margo and Jessica decide to walk back to town (and once in the house) are also the dead cultists that come out of the wall in the first one in the basement...or possibly new cultists</spoiler> Also, like what the other poster redban said, the movie is fine as a standalone without having to get the references. View all replies >