MovieChat Forums > Torniojaws > Replies
Torniojaws's Replies
In ANH, we see R2-D2 hack into the Empire's system to get their archives. It's not inconceivable that they simply used those maps off-screen when planning the attacks.
Well, they have permission to use a CGI Leia from her estate. So it can be done the same way like General Tarkin in Rogue One.
Always check if the movie has post-credits or no ;) Saves you from wasting time, since generally very few movies have anything.
From what I've read, Episode 9 will be even more disconnected from 7 and 8, than 8 is from 7. Basically a standalone movie. And where can you even go from the end of 8? No one is alive (IRL or in-movie) that matters anymore. Even Mary Sue was relegated to being just a force-user like hundreds of other kids that are "awakening". So basically, 9 can only be about the reformation of the Jedi with completely new faces. That would support their plans to extend the universe further with another trilogy unrelated to the original three trilogies. They would basically restart the movies with the new cast that will be established in Episode 9.
Death to the demon Ridley Scott!
I think the point is just like in real life: just because you have a praised triple-A game, doesn't mean that the game is "special" or open-world. In real life, a huge chunk of the triple-A games are *very* scripted and you have very little effect in the outcome of the game. For example, the classic: all doors except the correct one, that advances the plot, are locked.
The movie is not about the game. It's about the effect the game has on the people playing it. And it strongly suggests the classic accusation that if you play games for long enough, you cannot differentiate reality from games (eg. Columbine). Modern research has found it to be false, obviously, but around the 90's, it was a hot topic.
I think the point was that the replicants born that way were more stable and less prone to violence and misbehaviour. Not to mention once the birth-roll started, they would be self-sustaining and he could simply collect the results of their work. Which is kind of how humanity in the real world works :) We are the good worker bees making a few select people extremely rich.
Just another day at the office :D
Come with me if you want to live
Well, this movie is the sequel to that particular dump.