GreenGoblinsOck8's Replies

I know this is an old topic but upon seeing this, I can't help but think of the darkest version of Peter Pan I've seen. Once Upon A Time's version where he's a villain. I have to admit I haven't seen this movie in years. I barely remember it. Somehow the only scenes I remember are when Will Smith bathes with a woman at the beginning and the scene where they are on the train where the woman is wearing a dress with a hole in the back of it so the 2 main characters can see her butt. And I vaguely remember the scene where the 2 main characters meet with Ulysses S. Grant. That's it. For new movies that I wish to see in theaters, I stay off the boards of them. For a movie that is 1 year old or older, I don't care. It annoys me when someone on here, on a board for an old movie, complains about spoilers being in topic titles. If it's an old movie that you wish to see, don't go to the board of it on here. It's that simple. Frankly I actually am dating a woman 17 years younger than me. Mainly because she has more in common with me than anyone my age that I know. Like me she is a conservative Christian and a republican so we get along great. Actually I have a friend who has a male cousin named Ashley so it's still a thing being done today. I just want to point out an octopus is not a dumb animal. I remember being at Shed Aquarium in Chicago years ago and an Octopus in a tank had hidden itself in the tank from all visitors. They are not dumb. And that in of itself is you saying you are intellectually superior to anyone that doesn't agree with your views on things. Now if you just said, "I don't personally believe in God but I hold no grudge to anyone who does." you'd have a point. But when you criticize millions of people for having a religion and saying they are delusional it is just a mean comment about how you and everyone that thinks like you are superior to anyone who doesn't agree with you. Frankly I am through talking to you. You are a hateful angry bitter man who is doing everything he can to make anyone who doesn't agree with him angry. Well I have better things to do than to talk to some angry bitter man. I frankly like it and I am tired of the negative comments about how only Steve Rogers should be Captain America. You can't expect Chris Evans to spend the rest of his life doing Captain America movies. I didn't mind that it was partly a Hulk movie either. I actually liked what they did with Leader and frankly look forward to see what they do with him later. I will admit I kind of wish though they'd chosen someone other than Harrison Ford as Ross to replace William Hert. Frankly every time I saw Harrison Ford in this I kept thinking of his other roles that I grew up watching. It was like seeing Indiana Jones pretending to be another character. But other than that I liked it and found the action scenes enjoyable. You're the one insulting me and others of my religion on here. In fact, I think you insisting anyone who has a religion is insane makes you a bigot. Also those things you mentioned aren't evidence of whether or not there's a God because they don't prove how anything came about and are biased on the person's perspective of things. Let's face it. You are arrogant and can't acknowledge what you believe is theoretical because you think not admitting that makes you intellectually superior to anyone who doesn't agree with you. I admit the only ones of his I have seen are Raging Bull, Goodfellas, Casino, the Departed, and Hugo. I didn't care for Raging Bull or Casino but enjoyed Goodfellas, The Departed, and Hugo. My dad though is not a fan of Martin Scorcese and does not like Raging Bull or Goodfellas. I was being silly and quoting Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man. I didn't think you or anyone else would get the reference. Jaws. I never liked Close Encounters that much. Though I admit I've watched What about Bob more times than either of them. That's not true. There was an episode of Real Ghostbusters where the ghosts of Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp, Virgil Earp, and Morgan Earp all haunt the town of Tombstone. It's a pretty good episode. There's also the story in one of the Scary Stories books where a boy gets haunted by ghosts of western outlaws. So it's not that unfounded. Lol! Despite the fact a sword wielded by a strong person could cut off a naked man's penis. Heck, Lorana Bobbit did that with a knife. Frankly I am a Christian and I honestly can't prove the existence of God. But you can't prove what you believe either. The only way to prove it is with a time machine. But there is no such thing so such thing as that. You weren't around 5 billion years ago and neither was I. Neither you or anyone else can prove how the universe and Earth came about. Or much less how old the universe or world is. Anything about that is just theory. But you are truthfully a stubborn arrogant person who can't accept that and you'll keep claiming theoretical things and circumstantial evidence proves everything you believe when it actually doesn't. Also if you are American and want to turn this country into a fascist state where everyone has to be athiest or be put into mental institutions, you should move to another country.. Frankly everyone in America should have the right to believe what they want religiously and polititically. If you don't like that, you should move to Russia. No. He tore off his straight jacket durring the night and escaped. Um no. And frankly the only reason you think that is because of the original Terminator movie where the Terminator is said to be a cyborg by Kyle Reese. But that's not true as at the end of the movie, it gets its skin and organic bits burned off. Then it's just a big metal robot. But it still functions. The skin and hair are just a disguise for said robot. A cyborg is a human being or animal that gets robotic parts. James Cameron though I like most of his movies was ignorant. I am so sorry you had to go through that. I've had loved ones die of cancer. One of them was a 3 year old girl who was the daughter of a dear friend of my family. That was the worst funeral I ever went to. I was so struck with grief, all I could say to that friend was, "I don't know what to say." Yeah. That might just be what the director intended. I just watched this film for the first time and frankly, it was a well made film but a little too dark and depressing for my taste. I am not sure I want to watch it again. No he isn't. This movie has no connection to the previous films. It's an alternate universe where Jason had a sister.