MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > Did people thought Vader was a robot?

Did people thought Vader was a robot?

I haven't watched this movie in a while... but saw Darth Vader in some other media... and I've always known that he was Anakin since the OT came out way before I was born.

But had me thinking... did (most) people think Darth Vader was a robot like C3PO and R2... instead of a human in there?

Since it was not revealed that he was a human until when he takes off the helmet in Empire... as well as revealing who he actually was at the end of Empire.


no one thought that


Nah nobody thought that and the fact that he's constantly breathing makes it clear it's not a droid.


Do robots breathe?


plot hole!


Its not a plot hole. Its fully explained in episode 3 why he breathes so heavy




Nope. Thats a good guess though. Watch episode 3. I won't spoil it for you


Oh! Bronchitis!


Not even close. However thats another good guess




You finally got it.


Thank god!


Yes they do, General Grievous breathed


He was a cyborg, not a robot


They are literally the same thing.




A robot is completely mechanical and electrical. A cyborg is an organic lifeform with robotic enhancements. Grievous was mostly robotic but he began life as an organic being.


Still the same thing.


A robot is essentially a computer. The core of a cyborg is organic. A robot can never be a cyborg and a cyborg can never be a robot.


I don’t believe you, let’s just chalk it all up to being a plot hole.


Um no. And frankly the only reason you think that is because of the original Terminator movie where the Terminator is said to be a cyborg by Kyle Reese. But that's not true as at the end of the movie, it gets its skin and organic bits burned off. Then it's just a big metal robot. But it still functions. The skin and hair are just a disguise for said robot. A cyborg is a human being or animal that gets robotic parts. James Cameron though I like most of his movies was ignorant.


Grevious is not a robot. He was a humanoid alien but suffered a similar fate as Vader. The camera zooms into his eyes in Episode 3 and you see very organic eyelids and mucus, indicating he's not a robot. He also has normal organs and dies because Obi-Wan shoots them.


I'd call him a Cyborg. A human being who relied on robotic limbs to get around. Luke was a cyborg after getting his hand replaced with a robotic one.


We're all mobile phone cyborgs now. Effectively.


I had chemotherapy for six months after a cancer operation. I had port put in my chest with a tube going to my heart. Every two weeks I would go and get a poison pump with a load of poison hooked up to the port. The pump would pump the poison through the port into my heart which would pump it all over my body to kill any remaining cancer cells. I would wear the poison pump for two days every two weeks.

So that made me a part time cyborg for the duration of the chemotherapy. After the chemotherapy was ended and I no longer got the pump attached, and after I had the port removed, I am no longer a cyborg since I no longer have any mechanical parts.


I am so sorry you had to go through that. I've had loved ones die of cancer. One of them was a 3 year old girl who was the daughter of a dear friend of my family. That was the worst funeral I ever went to. I was so struck with grief, all I could say to that friend was, "I don't know what to say."


We thunk he were a salesman of the insurance type.


When it first came out we didn’t know what he was. Vader was scary when you first saw him as kid.


Not Vader for me, but the stormtroopers yes. When I was very little in the early 1980s and discovering Star Wars I remember thinking the white ones must be robots because they all looked the same and had no visible human skin. But then Han and Luke stole their uniforms and I realised there are humans inside.


I saw some fans in 1977 guessing that they thought Vader was some really ugly alien who had to hide his appearance under his suit.
