MovieChat Forums > GreenGoblinsOck8 > Posts
GreenGoblinsOck8's Posts
What Arnold movies were replaced with the Jack Slater movies?
Anyone here remember when Butterfingers bars had Bart Simpson on them?
Why does Bob wear a hospital band on his right arm?
I don't get the negative comments made on here about the Book.
This is the best movie of all time!
Say what you will about the ending but the alternate ending is dumber.
I can't believe that evil foul mouthed kid is Little Foot on Land before Time.
In the theater scene one of the movies on the board is Heiddi 2.
Can you tell the difference between the taste of butter and Margarine?
I had a dream last night I saw an alternate ending of this where Pamela Voorhees was at the end.
This guy was such an idiot.
It's funny Robert Patrick is in this.
The Pink slime is terrifying because they really can't get rid of it.
Do you think a faithful movie adaptation of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde could work?
How things used to be.
Question about the episode The Devil to pay spoiler
Old things in this show that seem foreign to anybody like me born in the 80s.
Question about the 2 N64 Castlevania games.
Batman killed Ra's Al Ghul.
Does Kent Brockman remind anyone of Dan Rather?