OratiaGlake's Replies

Yes, know what you mean. It has its ups and downs....and its crazies and cranks. There have always been stand out characters and performances. I liked the development of Athelstan. Ragnar was captivating, every time he was onscreen, even when he went a bit loopy. Ivar has taken over in that respect. Even Floki has calmed down a bit and ditched the mascara. Yes, I agree. I watched it to see what the fuss was about....but not impressed at all. Similarly found it disgusting. I did not like the Rick character at all. I couldn’t get passed the slurring, drunk repetition, dribble/vomit. The visual style doesn’t help me to like it either. I just don’t like it, but it has a big fan base, so others do like it of course. Netflix’s Big Mouth on the other hand to me IS pure genius....even though the subject matter is downright *disgusting*.... but it’s great stuff! Can't imagine being that sick and consciously thinking about or wanting to have intimate relations of any kind! He is very charismatic. Nice hair too! ‘Ben makes my stomach flutter, Mat is the best, Simon’s a no but Larry’s ok, And even Jim is a yes.’ Just a little fun that came to mind. I saw it with someone else, who wanted to see it. I wasn't that fussed, although I would have seen it at some point because I tend to follow McAvoy's work and really would watch anything he is in. As usual he was very good....and his character was flawed and vulnerable enough to make me sad a little that it ended that way for him. Theron looked gorgeous all the time, even when she was beaten up. The twists and turns were not unpredictable but were still played out with interest. The fight scenes were ridiculously well choreographed, especially the one that seems to go on forever when Theron's character is trying to fight off enemies in the stairwell. It was all quite tiring to watch! Excellent stuff. Although I wouldn't choose to own this, overall though, I would watch it again for the fight scenes (and McAvoy), but other than that.....pass. Too true....and such a shame! :-) Whatever the reason, I am one of the many who hated the decision...... that's why I'm now signed up to this site. I didn't ever sign up to IMDB. never commented on anything, but used it as a really helpful - and entertaining - resource to compliment my movie loving. It was a good read, and a really good way of looking up random information, seek out specific actors that were recognised or new to me and observe observations others had had too. This site, although fulfilling my needs to some ways akin to IMDB, as well as in other new ways, is not the same, but it will have to do. I said I'd never use IMDB again following the closure of their boards....but it just looks nice, and has more information. So, I flit between the two when needed - IMDB is for visuals, Movie Chat for communications. It seems to work. :-) Yeeesssssss! Thanks very much! :-) Don't think it did too well. It did end the right way for a sequel, but unless someone picks it up, don't think it will be happening any time soon. Watched it recently and although it's not 100% my cup of tea and I knew it was going to be a bit silly, it was entertaining enough......the cast (mostly), costumes and sets made up for it.....also watching it in 3D helped. Thought the way Loki is played/costumed/cast he's already a bit of a diva-bitch....hehehe ;-p Yeah, myself and fellow viewers aren't in to it in the same way; it just doesn't have the same vibe for whatever reason and not sure how it's going to play out or where it's really going to go. However, we will stick with it and hope for the best. I have had many discussions about the current storm / frenzy over this kind of thing - more so regarding Mr Spacey's downfall. Now, I have no personal experience of sexual harassment (I would think a guy would need his eyes testing if he wanted to sexually harass me - no offence to my other half!) and I am not commenting on the validity of the victim's claims/experiences or the impact anything that was done had on them. However, when glossing over the allegations against Spacey compared to Wienstein, it seems to me that Spacey was just a normal gay guy who was finding the young men about him attractive. He was showing his affections and basically making moves on them, perhaps a little too hotly sometimes, but he did not rape anyone. He spent money and time with them and had picnics with them -old school. Over the course of history, isn't this how a lot relationships start out? Men have been doing things like this forever with women. One person likes another and they try and seduce them - either for some quick fun, or because they want a relationship. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes at first the object of affection is resistant but then they get to know the seducer they may end up being a happy couple. It takes time to get to know someone and some people are very hands on with displays of affection. Love sometimes takes an effort; some people are not won over easily. I am not condoning being harassing however, but to some, sexual harassment is a friendly touch on the arm or an invitation to dinner, to others it's being pushed against a wall and molested. Weinstein was inappropriately dressed, asked women to give him massages, raped women and masturbated in front of them. There are no claims that Spacey did anything like this - but what he did do was show himself to be a rather (in my view) over-zealous man, desperate for returned affection and he did hold off, when rebuffed. He seemed to have been rejected and to me it's all a bit sad. Hehe :-) To all of the above, yes. A great film in many ways. :-) Me too. I find watching it a guilty pleasure of mine. I did drop in and out of Top Gear and as time went on I got in to it more, as an entertainment programme - I don't care about cars at all! So now, switched to their Grand Tour. What a team! Series 2 is out on 8th December. There's a trailer now. :-) Just watched the whole thing today. I don't recall seeing this particular actress in anything before and I thought she looked the part completely in this - the right face, eyes and skin for the period (of course hair, make up and costume help!). Sometimes in historical things some of the players are so miscast, no amount of help from the respective supporting departments can help them! They just look so wrong and uncomfortable, even if their acting is ok. Gosh though, her skin was so pale, especially when she and her second husband are laying on the bed in the morning; she's clothed but one leg is free and couldn't at first make out if it was the bed linen, her nightdress or her leg! He and the actor who is playing Prince Ernst had a dialect/accent coach together in preparation. Apparently Tom took it all very seriously whilst his co-star tried to lighten the mood. Have you seen the character he plays in Pillars of the Earth? A lovely guy.