MovieChat Forums > jeffsayyes > Replies
jeffsayyes's Replies
well neither are perfect people, thats for sure
in real life they were dating
They really made Ned a character of his own. Pretty cool actually
the editing sucks on this movie. That's why the pacing is so off. They could definitely clean it up with a re-edit
or his WWF fight. not a bad bet entirely
I still quote this
i feel like that's why he reiterated so many times that he's a "thief"
I couldn't help feeling she was just into him for the money. She could definitely do better than an unstable man 20 years her senior
the airplane stock footage stuck out to me
no one here gets the joke. amazing
no i think the opposite actually. This made me want to visit more of his catalog. Makes me see a lot more of him than any other movie I've seen. He really has some plebeian emotions here.
Could never get past 10 minutes of the Godfather
just some curry with a bunch of crap in it
he also bought a 2-liter of orange soda. He's going to drink that entire thing himself?? He doesn't seem to have a family. just a strange guy...
He does some ridiculous comedic acting here
Big is definitely the most well-made one. They all have charm though
I came here to say the same thing! 40 seconds. Just shows you what its like to be an actor. They should have paused the frame
easy to fake then
Saw it recently for the first time in decades. This movie definitely holds up and I see it so much differently now. Lots more innuendo - pretty subtle and tasteful though. Also I really see how she is stuck between 2 worlds, kid and adult. I didnt see that when I was a kid
if this was 1993, it would have been PG/PG13