JohnnyUtahx's Replies

lololol too funny! I thought that piece of crap Superman IV was the final nail in coffin? "Are you an SJW ? If so, please kill yourself immediately! Thanks" I'll second this! QueenieFan is the most delusional fanboy I've ever come across on the internet Everything she's ever claimed or predicated has never come to fruition. But go right ahead and keep denying everything Queenie, I'm always in the mood for good laugh or two. :D $93,842,239 to be specific, so much for Queenies Saturday "uptick" lol Just give it up you pathetic, desperate little fanboy - JL is a colossal FLOP and the DCEU is now on life support system "The whole scene is classic, from the "never seen garbage eat garbage before" line, the dude breaking his hand punching supes, supes laying his ass slap down on his own dinner tray, the guy eating his food while Rocky slides past him down the counter and then the douche finally landing butt first on the slot machine. Perfect. So enjoyable to watch." Ahahaha yea, easily the best scene in the whole movie Don't forget the part where he sat him on the barstool and spun him around at like 100mph! Oh man I laughed so hard the first time I saw that! Yup. He is one of the (if not the) primary reasons why the DCEU is on life support right now. I hold WB slightly more accountable though for not pulling the plug on this hack right after the disappointment that was MOS. His "vision" was completely ludicrous and not at all what audiences wanted. Shame on WB for handing this hack the keys to the DCEU future despite the medicore reception to MOS and even more so after the POOR reception to the atrocity that is BvS. The only missing Brat Pack members were Molly Ringwald & Anthony Michael Hall. Seems Ringwald coud have played Mare Winningham's part. Perfectly stated Billbrown. Perfectly. Sums up my thoughts exactly. /end thread There should be a special "fuck you very much" to HACK Snyder for single handily killing the DCEU Warner and their POOR decision to continue giving projects to HACK fucking Snyder. I mean clearly, his vision was never aligned with audiences expectations - starting with MOS. Yet they continued handing over the keys to this hack. It sounds like they've finally learned their lesson. But damn, the damage has been done and reboots are clearly the only way to go after this epic train wreck. Couldn't even crack $100. Truly pathetic. She was gorgeous. Simply GORGEOUS "the killer closed" No it wasn't. There is no character in the movie named "case closed" Albert J. Dunk DC Fanboys are eating some SERIOUS crow today LMAO FAR from beautiful. Average at best. No, the solution is very simple: Get rid of HACK Snyder. It will balance out over the coming months. Same thing happened with Wonder Woman, it started out with like an 8.4, now it's down to around 7.6 Warner/DC will never EVER have Marvel level success until they get Hack Snyder away from their product. I simply cannot comprehend why they continue trusting this clown