WB went with Snyder because they had absolutely no Plan for a DCEU....at the time WB wanted to stay with Nolan type movies, with heroes set in their own universe, WB had great Success with 2 Dark Knight movies....so they wanted to stick with that Blue print....Thats exactly what MOS was supposed to be, Snyder himself said in 2011 that "MOS will take place in its OWN universe like Nolans Batman films"....he literally said "If A JL movie ever gets made, it will be with A different actor playing Superman and Be in a Different universe"
This was WB's plan, to continue making CBM's like Nolan made, they did not want or believe in a cinematic Universe(and at the time they had no reason to you)Marvel Studios had only had "Decent Success" at this point...
But then IT HAPPENED....The Avengers Hit, Broke box office records, became a Phenom and Made it perfectly clear A Cinematic Universe was the way to go...
WB now wanted in on this kind of Success, but they had A HUGE problem....They literally had no plan, no vision....they at no point thought about or wanted A Cinematic Universe until The Avengers hit....
and Thus unfortunately led to this worst decision in Hollywood History....WB let Snyder try to create a cinematic universe....Due to WB having no plan or vision at all, they turned to a man that had the Completely WRONG PLan and Vision but at least A vision none the less...
WB literally let Snyder try to create a Cinematic Universe With 1 Film in BvS....and It literally KILLED the DCEU before it even started....Snyders VIsion for these characters and universe was so UNIVERSALLY hated and rejected it DOOMED both BvS and JL...
make no mistake...that is why JL failed at the box office....BvS was so hated, Audiences refused to have anything to do with the Sequel
WB is clearly at fault here too..Its complete inexcusable that WB let Snyder go forward after BvS....but again this come back to WB having no plan or vision....WB had no clue what to do before BvS and no clue what to do after...
But When you have a film as BIG as BvS that completely turned into a trainwreck due 100% to the Director failing as badly as you possibly can....You simply can not go forward with that director
the ONLY chance a JL movie had after BvS was to completely clean house...WB Literally needed to admit up front BvS was a creative failure, they needed to delay JL, and Publicly announced A New director and creative team had been brought on for JL...they needed to completely distance themselves from Snyder, by Thanking him for effects but admitting BvS was not what WB wanted and it wasn't what fans wanted...If WB did this they probably could have gotten away with bring the same cast back for JL....this would have completely created New Hype for a JL movie but most importantly created HOPE...All the people that saw BvS and hated it and decided not to see JL, would at the least said "Maybe they'll get JL right now with a New director"....Instead all those people were simply "OUT" with Snyder Returning...
So what needs to be written on the DCEU grave
something like ...
here lies the ashes of A Universe that was destroyed by A Man in Snyder that had the completely wrong Visions for DC most iconic heroes and here lies the BILLIONS lost because A company in WB had absolutely no PLAN and vision for A Cinematic Universe.
In the end it all come back to BvS...It truly was over the second that movie hit theaters...The movie was so universally hated and rejected...it was just over...