MovieChat Forums > crc32 > Replies
crc32's Replies
Agreed. It looks to me like the script did that to show how cold and scary the big bad villan of the show is rather then how smart he is.
True but we knew the original ghostbusters were gonna make an appearence. What suprised me is that it wasntr till the very end at the last second.
Ok I caved and clicked the link. Thats pretty bad cause I hadent heard of encanto yet it beat out ghostbusters?
Down almost 50% from last weekend (this includes turkey day)
Aww thats not cool. Your gonna say all that with out telling me the cartoon that outperformed ghostbusters. Now I got to click the link too???
ZLike you didn't know this was gonna be a generation hand off movie.
years come and gone and still no helpful answer.
"I knew some of you are human too cause if you wern't you'd all attack me now". This logic stats that on a one on one situation the thing will attack which didn't happen. The real thing was out there some where. I don't know why people are hung up that childs was a thing. The point the movie was making at this point is that it didn't matter as thething most likely survuved and these two humans were going to die for nothing.
> Crime has nothing to do with how diverse a population is---what a stupid, ignorant thing to say.
Ignoring statistics shows your ignorance / studpidity.
In no way was I advocating a non diverse population. On the contrary I advocate a mixed poipulation with low violent crime but Im not ignorant to the challenges that presents. Its people like you that are the problem with social issues. Rather then trying to fix cultural differences and bring communities together you prefer to live in a world of makebelief where cultural diversity has no problems and every one thinks the same. The assumption that every one is the same only adds to the problem rather then solves it.
We live in a world of differeing opinions I don't understand what is the impetus of your response?
While true which is worse is a question of opinion most folks would rather be lied to then murdered(You can measure that). So its not true that we dont have ways to measure the severity of crimeetc. Our legal sentencing system is based on it.
Not sure why but at the time of the film in 1999 I always thought the implication being made was that rape was worse then murder which was the contraversy for me at the time. Id rather still be alive personally.
We seem to e in a serial killer movie drought. We need more serial killer type myster movies.
Double jeopardy applies to stacking criminal cases not mixing civilian cases. He got off because he originally only wanted to testify in the civil case in exchange for immunity from criminal prosecution and the courts accepterd it. :(
The point is she was raped and the father sold her out to save the military face. Its worse then rape because here own father threw her under the bus when she needed him the most, and also because it implies he pretty much condoned rape as west point was more important then his daughters trama.
It was a rhetorical question. She was making a statement rather then asking a question. I agree with you though I dislike the "Why are you nervious" question people ask when they accuse you of somethinhg. Guilty or innocent your gonna be nervious anout being accused.
Agrered thats why the ending was so confusing for a lot of us. We didn't make the connection the pods switched trajectories cause the actors didn't really indicate that was happening. In fact I think that was the whole point was to fool the audience and pull a fast one by alleging the pods were on different trajectories. Its not a case of an unreliable narrative it flat switch the ending at the last possible second. Even going as far as to not show the womans reaction until after calvins pod landed. It felt too much like an ass pull rather then a briliant plot twist.
It was her 80s hair that does it.
I agree this "technique" she used was a very over generalized. It wouldn't have worked on men that didn't find her attractive in general. And of course this makes the assumption that men have sex on the brain all the time.
Yea I try to be optimistic and reached that conclusion.
I don't know. At first I thought the same thing with the autopilot being fixed bruce would have escaped before the bomb went off. But then that would ruin the emotional investment in Bruce's sacrifice and also we don't see alfred and bruce framed together in the final scene so we are left to our own interpretation as to if it is a fantasy or not. IE would have expected a much different reaction from alfred seeing bruce other then a head nod in a random cafee like this.
In wake of the MeToo movement I don't think anyone would have dared to say anything against her now.