chilone's Replies

Q: Why do they call him The Rabbi? A: Because he's a rabbi. How does dark even turn to easy??? Oh! you must have meant "too"......... I quite liked it actually. There were a few cheesy lines but the Ewoks were fine. Why do people use the term "cringe worthy"? It was lame when it was "new". Now it's just a lame, idiotic, over used cliche. I totally disagree. Not a good movie. Someone who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're" calling someone retarded.......... \m/ Nope. You're illiterate. Bottom line. [quote]Unfortunately, that leads to the dumbing down and weakening of the country and we end up with 50% of the people who think it is a good idea to elect Trump as our president. See the movie "Idiocracy" for more details.[/quote] You're absolutely right. Without the dumbing down, NO ONE would have voted for Hilary. Umm.... It's fiction. Exactly, except for your signature. And a master debater! He's got Russian hands and Roman fingers :) Nope. A scuba diver myself, there was absolutely no reason for her to leave her tank there other than for it to be conveniently useful for a later event that she had no way of knowing would happen. Also, James boarded the boat with his. Utter ridiculousness. I quite liked it. Some VERY funny scenes! I thought it was appropriate to the genera. It's definitely dark comedy.