MovieChat Forums > Mi Mefakhed Mehaze'ev Hara (2013) Discussion > All these posts and nobody mentions the ...

All these posts and nobody mentions the acting!

Some of the worst acting I can ever remember seeing, especially the cop. The bit where he meets the guy on the horse at the end, so embarrassing. And then no emotion even though his daughter has been kidnapped and he knows she will probably die.

This film needs a remake with some decent actors and a better director and it could be fantastic.


And then no emotion even though his daughter has been kidnapped and he knows she will probably die.
Did we watch the same film? He shows a huge amount of emotion when he realises his daughter has been likely kidnapped.🐭


All due respect, Chris, but you're a facking idiot.


I thought it was appropriate to the genera. It's definitely dark comedy.
