nte1igentwon's Replies

Shut your stupid "Reefer Madness" ass up. Ask someone who actually suffers from chronic pain if cannabis is an effective pain reliever. Love her politics. Don't understand her uber popularity. "Fake pandemic" signals that you're not a credible commenter and lack a firm grasp on reality. I personally knew several young healthy people that died due to your so-called "fake pandemic". Again, just silly. He was just reacting like most kids would but it was annoying af. Why people leap to that conclusion baffles me. People's appearances change as they age sometimes and there's the possibility of contouring/makeup. The claim she had ass work done is just silly. Uneducated as usual. Look up The Hottentot Venus/Sarah Baartman**. Khoikhoi women can have proportions that approach the exaggerated dimensions you gave. **It's disgusting how "the usual suspects" treated and exploited her. Bet you would've done worse. Stop it. Why would someone get plastic surgery to look exactly like they'd look naturally?🤦 Learn the difference between Kendall and KYLIE.🙄😒 What show have you been watching!? You can't frame someone for doing something they actually did. While Luther usually acts morally, he has absolutely no problem committing "crimes" if he feels it's in the service of the greater good. He wasn't "universally adored" before this current fukkery. There were many people that weren't blinded by the propaganda. Your arrogance is pointless. The audacity to even say that stupid shit is baffling. Are you okay? Must've bumped your head. 🤕 How cowardly of you to couch your asinine assertion as a conditional phrase. I'm here, aren't I?😂 White tears are DELICIOUS! Keep 'em coming.😂 You're stretching more than Plastic Man and tying yourself into a pretzel while being blatantly dishonest. The Orange One's explicit actions post election was the terrible precedent and him NOT being held accountable for fear of political retribution is a feckless position. I know! I want a 12 year old Tik Tokr to be President. It's anti-democratic that they aren't allowed to run. Well it is bullshit. Even within its own reality, Satan really isn't the bad guy. He wants humans to have knowledge. God wants us ignorant. He doesn't kill anyone that I can remember. God commits global ecocide, killing virtually all life on Earth. It makes no sense. Eliza doesn't belong. The other 3, in their primes, had BODY. Kneeling(facing) in front of the Orange One. It's not surprising that a misogynist would anticipate being called a misogynist.🤷