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Jerrers (50)


Now Showing on Talking Pictures On British TV in ‘23 Robert Hoffmann Not Guilty, My Lord Blu Ray to be released 15 Feb 2021 Jacqueline Scott (1931-2020) Sonia Darrin (1924-2020) Marty Hollinger (Ben Johnson) View all posts >


Warner Archive Collection has just released The Searchers in 4K Ultra HD (restored from the original negative) and it is magnificent. It’s on its way…..Paramount Home Entertainment is releasing a 4K Blu-ray with loads of extras on 21 October 2024 You’re right about it being a coincidence, but it added to the tension. My thoughts are that Tony was so concerned his watch wouldn’t stop that he overwound it and the spring broke at the crucial moment. While the plot wouldn’t have been spoiled if the watch hadn’t stopped, Mark wouldn’t have been able to tell Inspector Hubbard he was sure about the time because “Mr Wendice’s watch had stopped and a few of us were comparing times.” Well sixteen years later and Dixon of Dock Green has indeed returned to British TV. Talking Pictures TV channel has committed to show all the surviving episodes on Saturday evenings. Let’s hope it will be appreciated I think Mr Patterson was extremely short sighted, as can be seen by the way he drives. Disorientated by the crash impact, he had clearly lost his spectacles when he climbs out of his truck and doesn’t see where he is running. Hi J_A Sorry to pitch up fifteen years late. Some great suggestions. If anyone’s still there my idea to add to the others is “Way down yonder in New Orleans”, which often seemed to be played just before someone was bumped off. I thought Mr Potter’s office was in the bank. Cast your mind to when Uncle Billy walks from the Bailey Building to deposit the $8,000 on Christmas Eve. He meets Mr Potter in the banking hall and gives him the newspaper. We then see Mr Potter peeping through his office door to see the flustered Uncle Billy rummaging through the wastepaper bin looking for the money. But remember it has to be genuine Coin of the Realm. One dollar of this is worth ten dollars of talk. Yes it’s a super film, which deserves to be better known. In addition to the qualities you mention, I would add the script, music score and location filming. A glimpse into London of the 1950’s. Some may think the film is a little slow going for today’s tastes, but the script leads the viewer at the same pace as the detectives as we follow each link in the chain that leads to Chummy. Thanks for bringing up Halliwell’s Film Guide. This version of Gaslight was (from memory) the favourite film of Leslie’s mother. Leslie himself always thought it far superior to the later film of the same name. Just to recall the bound-up Anton Walbrook in close up with his lank hair tumbling over his face and saying “Bella, give me ze hroooobies” brings back great memories. The BFI restored the film some years ago. It’s now available on BluRay and is a real treat. Leslie, who died in 1989 is much missed. I think he would have much enjoyed the restored version. View all replies >