Good little Scotland Yard story
Where the ever reliable Jack Hawkins, with the aid of a very recognisable British supporting cast, doggedly, yet good humouredly, tracks down a particularly clever safe cracker.
shareWhere the ever reliable Jack Hawkins, with the aid of a very recognisable British supporting cast, doggedly, yet good humouredly, tracks down a particularly clever safe cracker.
shareYes it’s a super film, which deserves to be better known. In addition to the qualities you mention, I would add the script, music score and location filming. A glimpse into London of the 1950’s. Some may think the film is a little slow going for today’s tastes, but the script leads the viewer at the same pace as the detectives as we follow each link in the chain that leads to Chummy.
shareWhere can I find to stream?
shareDubjax 33 is an amiable little YouTube channel that posts links to old British films.
This should be the YouTube page with the link - I'll do it this way so you can see what else is available on the channel: