Bailey Bldg & Loan stairs
Twice we see Potter upstairs in the bldg & loan office. How many men did it take to get him and his wheelchair up there?
shareTwice we see Potter upstairs in the bldg & loan office. How many men did it take to get him and his wheelchair up there?
shareWhat makes you think it was upstairs? I never noticed any stairs.
EDIT: Come to think of it, after George has his epiphany with Clarence and he's running through Bedford Falls wishing everyone Merry Christmas, he clearly goes up to Potter's office window and wishes him the same, and Potter replies something like "the same to you, in jail". Obviously, if that was Potter's office at the Bailey Building & Loan, it was on the ground floor.
Was Potter's office inside the Bailey building? I thought it was elsewhere, but Potter's office was on the ground floor.
shareI thought Mr Potter’s office was in the bank. Cast your mind to when Uncle Billy walks from the Bailey Building to deposit the $8,000 on Christmas Eve. He meets Mr Potter in the banking hall and gives him the newspaper. We then see Mr Potter peeping through his office door to see the flustered Uncle Billy rummaging through the wastepaper bin looking for the money.
That could be, I'll have to pay more attention next time.
Any office or house of Potter's where he needed to go upstairs probably would have had an elevator, or one of those stairway chair things that goes up and down a side rail.