Tabbycat's Replies

Can you believe this role was originally intended for a white woman? Never would have worked. Spencer’s acting was the only credible aspect of this movie. The script gave her little to work with. If we’re talking about the 80’s, I’d disagree. That decade sucked balls, IMO. Videodrome is a notable exception. If we’re talking early Cronenberg, or frankly any drive-in movies from the 70’s, then yes — there is something special about them. They were raw, crude, rough ... and inspired. Today’s horror movies, especially, are slick and technically excellent by comparison, made by young guys who’ve seen more of the genre than you have. But ... they just don’t have the indelicate originality of those years, when indie filmmakers followed their deranged muse wherever she led and didn’t give a fuck. Videodrome is one such. Maybe the last for this director. Always thought it was his best at the time. Very brave and provocative — at least in 1983. Long live the new flesh. My second favorite of his was my first — Rabid (1977). New HD transfer definitely holds up. Agreed. Seen the movie more than once, but I never got any of that. His hatred of L.A. and sitcoms is mentioned but not shown. Ben’s Jerry is just a sensitive kid in a fast town. For the movie, Permanent Midnight is just a title. Never mind that shit — HERE COMES MONGO! I’m Tired (I’m So Goddamned Tired) It does indeed. Exactly. Unfortunately what happens is all too plausible, especially after the three really push their luck insisting on one last ride after it had been shut down. That opens the door to disaster if the right conditions are met, and they are (operator switched, three unexpected skiers mistaken for last riders, “weather coming in.”) Sometimes it’s easier than that. In 2006 a family made a wrong turn in the snow and ended up lost and stranded in Washington for days. The father died trying to walk to get help. Makes sense as she’s already lost her good young health for them. Not me. I thought it was Best Picture level. Second that. Who said he did it “easily”? Or knives. (See Raiders of the Lost Ark.) I liked that also but it was slow and too long, which pretty much applies to the whole film. Yep, that’s the scene that makes producers ring up Samuel L. Who else does that as well? Happens all the time in Hollywood. At least they didn’t have a 45-year-old actress playing 30, or a 27-year-old in the role of a teenager. Yeah. I hated that flick. There are too many killings in this series, mostly to provide plot lines. In real life killing is an expensive, risky, messy affair. Not here. There was no reason to kill that blond model. How was she a threat? She’d already gone public with the most damning thing possible. She was killed only to set up a revenge plot by Ray and Lena. Dumb and not believable on any level, including the method of execution. Just more TV writer bullcrap. An irredeemable idiot who reached his nadir this season. “THAT THREE MILLION IS FOR MY FAMILY!!!” 1. No, Bunchy. It isn’t. 2. It’s not yours. 3. Even though you helped steal it, still not yours. 4. And your “family” will do, exactly, what with it? 5. You don’t have family. Your wife, who left and doesn’t love you, took your only kid. 6. That money came from somewhere. Do you think maybe they want it back? Will hurt you or your brothers you claim to love so much to get it back? 7. You don’t care, I get it. IT’S YOURS because ... well, you said so. It’s ludicrous. The whole scene is played for laughs, which it gets — esp when Sandy Martin chainsaws off a head like she were knitting a sweater. Bridget comes in all jiggy with a tray of sandwiches? Right. Season 6 is a great season but one of the least believable. This for a series that never rated high in that regard.