Tricklebrook's Replies

Romeo and Juliet isn't about an older man having to repress sexual feelings toward a teenage girl. I know it's been a long time since you posted but I just now saw the movie. Thank you for this insight. I love movies like this but I'm weak on figuring things out! Well, one of them is gay, one of them is a kid, and the last one is in love with one particular girl so..... During the first season it seemed like she was trying to talk without opening her mouth. It doesn't seem as bad this season but maybe I just got used to it. I thought the same thing. The only explanation I have for women in movies who don't close their curtains is that it's done for dramatic purposes. If the shot where we watch from outside the house had windows with the curtains drawn, it wouldn't creep us out. I'm so sorry, it's been so long and so many movies since I saw this, I don't remember. Honestly, if you'd asked me if I've seen "Bokah" I would have said 'no.' I will say this, though. I don't think it was a "Hollywood Happy" ending because I would have understood that. The ending I saw was confusing. Thank you! I was wondering about that black screen. That makes perfect sense. It made so much more sense in the book. @hownos I usually agree with your take on movies but I differ on this one. I really liked the ending. <spoiler>He showed the rich guy how vulnerable he was by breaching his security to make sure he didn't send someoned else to kill him. Then he wisely retired, possibly because he realized he was slipping and didn't want to risk any further mistakes.</spoiler> "It seems that the director deliberately filmed all of these key scenes in a confusing way for the purpose of generating the exact kind of threads so often seen here" That can't be the case. When this movie was made there was no internet. Time travel and crime -- two of my favorite genres! I've watched the first two episodes and am enjoying it so far. I think it's because she speaks to the young women of her generation. Agreed. I'd seen him on SNL and thought he did an okay job. But comedy sketches are one thing and a dramatic role in a feature length movie another thing altogether. Good grief, he was bad! Maybe crime show junkies like me? I watched the first episode and liked it. It's not dazzling, to be sure, but I'd watch more if it was free. I like your ending! This movie was very disappointing because it didn't deliver anything. Not even food for thought. It also looks like the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Agreed! I just finished the first season and really enjoyed it. I just hope Netflix will get season 2 as well. Oh, yeah! Bennie & The Jets for me.