MovieChat Forums > Kingscheme > Replies
Kingscheme's Replies
Jorah Mormont AKA Ser Friendzone.
Dangerous game to play will spoilers all over the place. Last Monday I was passing a news stand and 2 newspapers had a GOT spoiler on the front page. Between friends, co-workers and the internet it's a mine field for getting spoiled.
Arya will kill the little weasel.
Too bad Tywin is dead because I would like to see the look on his face with Tyrion on the Iron Throne.
First I thought Tyrion but that would be ridiculous so I also went with the Sand Snakes and Ellaria Sand.
In their dungeon.
So surprising, Arya is a way bigger fan favorite than Sansa. Never noticed Maisie never had her own stand alone credit in the opening credits. Way overdue.
If you build it they will come.
Right here.
Winter came for House Frey! The NORTH REMEMBERS!
Regina is returning.
Loved her on Heroes.
Even if Forrest knew that Jenny's son was not his he would still have raised and loved him because of his love for Jenny.
As a Veteran, I would be really disappointed if she self-evicted.
Unfortunately I believe BB will at least carry Paul to the final 4. I hope I'm wrong, and he will be evicted sooner rather than later.
He was busy getting raped in hell.
I think Mac thought Burgle had a cock.
Yeah, she looked way better with the new hairstyle.
Fuck Peggy! I'm happy she ended up in the loony bin.
Well she got a far more prestigious job working for the Department of Homeland Security so I guess someone thinks she did.