KevMill's Replies

YOU PEOPLE are so easy to spot these days. Stevie Wonder is that you??? Yes, bigtime! I thought I was the only one who hated Ragnarok. Well WHY were you even here?!! Yes wife also noticed it and laughed. Well quit watching just to B*tch about it. Why didn't you stop after the 4th or 5th one..or even the 6th, 7th or 8th one?!!! YOU people are the WORSE! You continue to watch something you CLEARLY don't like, then go on the internet to bash it..just sad. Typical internet sheep. One of my childhood classics right there. 8/10 for my wife and I. Must suck being you, angry person. Well why the hell were you even here?!...Typical internet idiot! It was awesome! 10/10 for me. Its because it's the best decade EVER, and it's not even close! That's why most tv shows and movies suck these days. SMH their* you're* Typical internet idiot!