MovieChat Forums > LebronCorleone > Replies
LebronCorleone's Replies
Dog Day Afternoon. What a character he embodied! And Serpico? His quiet, unyielding resolve while being both a cop and cool hippie thinker? He is definitely a great. I'll agree that Godfather showcases a fine ability - but the role itself was more of a tortured 'straight guy', while Diane Keaton, Talia Shire and the supporting cast played out the distraught emotions.
I'm gay. It's awesome.
I love Korean porn.
There's one or two minor riffs to Redford's 70's thrillers and personal activism. Reservoir Dogs works on b-movie shock feats, but can't light a match to the ease and composure of Sneakers.
Citizen Kane
That's the one small weakness of the movie. As mentioned, Grahame doesn't have any risk in giving herself to Dix or not. If Dix is the murderer, then she'll cut her ties, that's that. But pair off Grahame as a counterpart to Dix - a woman with one last dice to toss into the game of love - and she kisses it all away only to have Dix burn it to the ground, the devastation would have been searing. Instead, Dix just wallows away as he did in the beginning and Grahame just shrugs it off.
thanks - looks like this is a pass for me :(.
I'd totally watch a trashy Halloween sequel on Marie Antoinette vs Michael Myers.
2017's IT was a sterile and limp studio product. How does Halloween 2018 compare in terms of this Disneyfied 'safe movie for teenagers' era?
Sad to hear about this. Was eager to go to a showing... Unfortunately, nostalgia is here to stay - what was an adolescent trend has metastasized into a societal concern. Was John Carpenter hard up for cash? He appeared to stick to principles when refusing to support other sequels and remakes - why did he sell out so easily for this one?
Nice how you put that 'Saul' is not only a mask - but a weapon as well. We're gonna see a lot more bodies laid to waste on Jimmy's road to Saul Goodman, as we already did in Breaking Bad.
The black & white Cinnabon flashforward where he blurts to the teenage shoplifter 'get a lawyer!' makes you wonder if he's able to discard the Saul and come to a sort of atonement.
All the conspiracy theory posters need to go back to the Westworld or True Detective subreddit.
She has a sex change operation to turn into Paul Newman
Great breakdown. The letter was so pat and petty that Jimmy's calm reaction is especially even more interesting. Why didn't he erupt with rage or even sorrow? Has Jimmy truly built an armor from Chuck's cruelties, or is he burrowing the pain?
Chuck was the first Walter White that Jimmy ever encountered. They are men filled with seething, debilitating pride. Chuck goes out by fire; Walter White goes out surrounded by ice. Both men incinerate everything they touch.
Gomez! Honestly he was a more authentic presence than Dean Norris.
That makes sense. Hope she gets her own horror vehicle.
Bond purists are like the Star Wars nerds who are writing manifestos against Disney and Rian Johnson. A Bond movie that adheres to its tropes and conventions is what made Moonraker, Quantum of Solace, and Spectre. License to Kill is a great action film with Bond in it - hence, a great action Bond film.
They were smarter than us all back then.
He understands what popular entertainment is - trash. Say what you will about him, but the Titanic is perfectly executed glossy trash. Then you've got The Terminator - fun trashy scifi pulp that doesn't make any sense and never tried to be anything other than a blockbuster. Hopefully Avatar 2 and 3 tank with his hippie hug the trees message, but he's such a household name that he's gonna have us all licking his balls.
The reviews of this episode are so horrible I haven't watched it, but to play devil's advocate - perhaps the writers were compelled by the spate of school shootings to dedicate an episode to the issue?
In the world of Spielberg 80s ripoffs, Stranger Things is better.