won bin haircut

Does anyone know what sort of haircut he had in the latter half of the movie? I really want a haircut like that (I'm not gay incase anyone is wondering). I know it's something like size 2 short back and sides but when I say that to my barber it does not look as good as won bin's haircut in the link below (see last image):



I'm gay, soz


It's about time!


checking in just to say I'm not gay.

FYI This is the funniest thread on IMDB I've ever read. It's like going through comments on Reddit or Imgur


Hey I just read your thread and I'm just letting you know that I'm not gay (just incase you're wondering).



Won Bin is a great actor with a handsome face that appeals widely to audiences. he has wonderfully expressive doe eyes. it's understandable a lot of straight men have a lot of not gay feelings about him, many people seem to in general.


This thread is goofy as hell, but that's why I like it.😃. I only came here because I really liked THE MAN FORM NOWHERE, and I'm not gay either--just another boring straight chick here who thinks Won Bin's hot too. 😊


I would say that it is a fade, and not a high and tight.

I was in Cuba in May and I noticed a lot of the young Cuban guys had good haircuts. Depending on ethnicity, the "top" could look a lot different, depending on how curly their hair was.

I read recently that there had been a big Chanel show a few weeks before I was there. That may have been why the young Cuban guys had such fashionable haircuts.


I'm gay. It's awesome.


Lol @ this thread. Btw I'm not gay in case anyone was wondering.


This thread turned me gay.


Good for you! I'm still not gay.
