Patman111196's Posts

Would you work under him? Biden states that prices have been falling for four months and back to April 2021... Hmm... What are the bad things that Biden has done for the country during his term? One thing we can agree on is that Biden is a terrible President Trump never said "Lock her up" regarding Hillary Clinton Trump should make a third party called the "Trump Party" Why does robocat hate Trump so much? So what crime was he intending to commit or cover up with his business records? Why is Biden a dictator? How could anyone ever try and ruin someone for doing the RIGHT thing? So was Martin a real monster at heart, or just way in over his head? The reality of people with Trump vs. Biden... Will we have another Jan 6 incident if he "loses" again? Biden and his cohorts will frame him for murder next Why would they want to complete unfinished tasks by Trump? How long has the media been evil? Is Biden just simply evil, or is he pure evil? I am in love with Donald Trump... How about you? Would he concede on his second term as President if it shows he lost? Biden is to blame for all the bad weather