Is Biden just simply evil, or is he pure evil?
What do you think?
sharePure evil
shareJust simple...
shareHe's braindead.
shareThis entire Administration are evil, right down to allowing biological males to go into a women's locker room or restroom with no fucks given and I'm sorry but this is just abnormal if I've ever seen it.. He's a Marxist and in bed with China, not to mention if he gets a 2nd term, I guarantee you he will Mandate everyone has to drive an EV or walk.. He's gotta go and I think Trump is going to win soundly and the American people are waking up to these trials that are nothing more than to keep the man down
shareHis handlers are evil and Joe is too far gone mentally to know better which makes him easy to manipulate.
shareIf Biden was born in Germany, he would grow up to be either a Nazi or a Holocaust victim.
sharewow 300 million americans to choose from and you guys have ended up with "pure evil" in charge .
How did you let it come to this?
oh wait , or is he just a guy doing his best to run the country as well as he can?
that sounds more likely to me .
I mean , imagine if you had someone in control who was "pure evil" , that would show a complete breakdown of the political system.
Could it be that you just so insanely polarised and biased that you've actually gone crazy and are referring to your president as "evil" ?
Trump did the best he could all while enduring endless investigations and fake impeachments. all the dems did for 4 years was try to illegally remove Trump. could you imagine how much America would be if dems actually worked and comprised with Trump? things were going great until the plandemic happened.
Joe isnt the president as the election was never investigated. Mueller concluded that Trump won fair and square.
Pure evil. Watch old footage of him when he's younger. He's clearly a hell bent deranged lunatic who never had any good will toward society. Now he's a senile old man stumbling around like a loveable grandpa but he's pure filth, make no mistake.