Martoto's Replies

I don't call a ladder in the middle of nothing the outdoors. Neither do real climbers, mountaineers and people who enjoy the challenge and the environs when scaling the planet's tall geographical features. This tower is like the McDonalds of climbing. At best. A metal pole in the middle of a featureless barren landscape is not what I call "the outdoors". That's not what refuted means. Yeah. You're repeating yourself now. Sad. Sweet summer child. You have no clue what you think you are saying. Bless. Take care. So if you sell legal stuff on your website then that cancels it out? Where are you getting this law that requires you to direct sell and be a salesman in order to be guilty of supplying drugs? Facilitating the sale of drugs produced by others is drug dealing. You're thick as two short planks. You know that? [quote]It's no-one's job to spoon feed you this stuff. [/quote] Says the moron that thinks that running a website to profit from the sale of drugs on doesn't make someone a drug dealer. The purpose of the website he ran was to profit from the sale of drugs. Contradiction or not or whatever, that's one of the most embarrassing things written by a groveling sycophant desperate to suck the shit out of a billionaire's ass. But it won't be his shit you're sucking and he's not shitting in your mouth. He just owns an asshole that facilitates the sucking of shit by servile creeps. I'm going to piss this on your grave. "Jeff Bezos facilitates the sale of dildos but is not a dildo dealer...... Bezos isn't a salesman though and sells nothing at all." I think maybe his stuff just isn't as relevant before and people aren't looking for any more revisions to the movies by outside parties except as short "what ifs". Kind of like Harmy. They both seem to be treading water on their reputation as supposed saviors of the real Star Wars which just has less currency than it used to. Some of Harmy's recent videos give you the impression that nobody would have known there were original unspecialised versions of Star Wars before 1997 and 2004. And he was still saying stuff like Star Wars was shot on 70mm up until not so long ago. They had their moments in the spotlight. But life goes on, in 4k. Are you high? So you're saying they DO sell dildos now? Amazon sells dildos to faggy Pride parades. Jeff Bezo's even worse than you thought. The problem is that the movie breaks the form of being told almost entirely from Marty's perspective. They usually have Marty creeping about in the background of the scenes involving Biff (old and young), but they turn into Biff scenes in a way that they don't in the original and the third movie. Did he just altruistically set up a market place for people to buy and sell drugs and made no money from the market himself? Man you're naive. Or maybe just a delusional fuckwit. Or are you a lying, sycophantic shit sucker? Pick one and tell me. Yeah he just owned a drugs market. So he can't be a drug dealer. What fucking universe do you get that logic from? You're a fucking imbecile if you believe that shite. Are you saying I can't buy your mom and dad a double ended dildo from Amazon for their anniversary? "TRUMP AND FOX NEWS HATE CHRISTIANITY!!!!" should be the headline for this story. You're fucking dense, you know that? Maybe the parents should have just stoned you to death on the spot.