MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Death to drug dealers, except the ones h...

Death to drug dealers, except the ones he likes.

Trump Pardons Ross Ulbricht After Urging Death Penalty For Drug Dealers

In a move that has sparked debate, President Donald Trump granted a full pardon to Ross Ulbricht, the creator of the Silk Road dark web marketplace, who had been serving two life sentences plus 40 years for enabling the illegal trade of drugs and other illicit goods. People using his site traded in bitcoin to avoid detection.

The pardon represents a stark departure from Trump's previous rhetoric on drug crimes. As recently as 2018, Trump endorsed capital punishment for drug dealers, stating: "If we don't get tough on the drug dealers, we're wasting our time."


Is the MAGA line on drug dealers that they are deserving of pardons now? What happened to Trump wanting justice for these criminals?


Ulbricht didn't deal drugs and has got justice already by being pardoned from a ridiculous sentence of 2 life sentences plus 40 years that was only so harsh because the judge considered Ulbricht "privileged"
Maybe the activist judge shouldn't have done that and the case would have disappeared into the memory hole, but noooo she had to be an emotional retard about it and now he's free lol


That is a lie. Ulbricht facilitated the sale of illegal drugs. He was a drug dealer.


No it's not and OK maybe but still no, no he wasn't. Just like how Jeff Bezos facilitates the sale of dildos but is not a dildo dealer.


When the website that Bezos owns sells dildos, he is a dildo dealer.

Why do you think wealth is a shield against prosecution for violating the law?

If Biden had pardoned Ulbricht, would you support it?


Jeff Bezos is not a dildo dealer.

Why don't you think?

It's a secret.


You’re dealing with someone who is permanently online and who has a severe case of TDS.


I know I'm just mocking him.


Because he runs the website and doesn't sell products like dildos himself. Same thing as Silk Road.


You're a fucking imbecile if you believe that shite.


Silk Road was an online black market ... allowing users to buy and sell products and services between each other anonymously

I.e. Ross Ulbricht did not sell drugs!


Did he just altruistically set up a market place for people to buy and sell drugs and made no money from the market himself?

Man you're naive. Or maybe just a delusional fuckwit. Or are you a lying, sycophantic shit sucker? Pick one and tell me.

Yeah he just owned a drugs market. So he can't be a drug dealer. What fucking universe do you get that logic from?


Are you saying I can't buy your mom and dad a double ended dildo from Amazon for their anniversary?


Nope sorry they sold out when you and your degenerate comrades bought them all to hand out to children at your faggy Pride parades.


So you're saying they DO sell dildos now? Amazon sells dildos to faggy Pride parades. Jeff Bezo's even worse than you thought.


But I only denied Amazon sold dildos in your head, gratz on your imagination victory though!

Just like how Jeff Bezos facilitates the sale of dildos but is not a dildo dealer.

Bezos isn't a salesman though and sells nothing at all.


Are you high?


Are you stupid?

That was rhetorical btw I already know the answer is a resounding yes.


I'm going to piss this on your grave.

"Jeff Bezos facilitates the sale of dildos but is not a dildo dealer......
Bezos isn't a salesman though and sells nothing at all."


You can piss where you like but you're even more stupid than I first thought if you think I in any way contradicted myself. I didn't, you just don't understand what words mean because you're stupid. DKE on full display.


Contradiction or not or whatever, that's one of the most embarrassing things written by a groveling sycophant desperate to suck the shit out of a billionaire's ass.

But it won't be his shit you're sucking and he's not shitting in your mouth. He just owns an asshole that facilitates the sucking of shit by servile creeps.


You dumbcunt you think I'm a fan of Bezos? LMFAO I wouldn't trust that bald prick as far as you could throw a pillow, I just understand how the English language works and what the meaning of words actually are. Congratulations again on your imagination victory now fuck off retarded jizzguzzler.


Silk Road was an online black market ... allowing users to buy and sell products and services between each other anonymously

I.e. Ross Ulbricht did not sell drugs!


Silk Road was an online black market ... allowing users to buy and sell products and services between each other anonymously

I.e. Ross Ulbricht did not sell drugs!


Yes he did , and lots of them .
that whole "I just run the website" excuse is bullshit


No he didn't, he certainly profited from the sale of drugs though I'm not disputing that part.


The purpose of the website he ran was to profit from the sale of drugs.


The purpose of the website he ran

Correct he was just running a website and wasn't a salesman as you say, glad you've finally caught up to the same page.

It's like saying -

The purpose of Amazon was for Bezos to profit from the sale of dildos

No, there were many things sold not just drugs, weapons, ID, electronics, all sorts. He facilitated the sale of many things by other people via the website, but never sold anything directly himself.


So if you sell legal stuff on your website then that cancels it out?

Where are you getting this law that requires you to direct sell and be a salesman in order to be guilty of supplying drugs?

Facilitating the sale of drugs produced by others is drug dealing.

You're thick as two short planks. You know that?


Didn't I already tell you to fuck off you retarded jizzguzzler?


Yeah. You're repeating yourself now. Sad.


Just like Trump winning the presidency again you fucking loser lol


