MovieChat Forums > ace2 > Replies

ace2's Replies

Absolutely. Endgame is okay the first time, but once you know the story it takes FOREVER to get going. Infinity war has action scenes from the beginning. Thank you for this. My issue was that from what we had seen of the alien, that grenade should not have had any appreciable impact on it - let alone caused its destruction. But the idea that it was now partially also Nathalie committing suicide would explain how it could allow itself to die. From the video it seemed that the husband had achieved a cordial symbiotic relationship with the alien, their conversation didn't seem contentious at all. More like they had realized they were changing and started cooperating for the best outcome given the circumstances. This type of surrender made more sense to me and I think it would have been more impactful than the fight it had with Nathalie. Finally, you give Hollywood too much credit. The flickering eyes was not inconsequential, that was most definitely sequel baiting. Who knows what was in their genes, their offspring could have constituted some sort of alien invasion from within. Of all the stories that have come out... the Glimmer Man story about him deciding he would no longer kill half way through the movie is the best. I stopped watching network TV somewhere around season 2 of this and never got back into it. Judging from youtube clips it sounds like Dre turned into someone who was dangerously incompetent and a downright bad person. As opposed to the lightheartedly incompetent father type we have typically seen in sitcoms. Is this better/different than the Finder? That was pretty good light entertainment but got cancelled. How long ago are the allegations? Was he also married back then? Actually what amazes me is the repeat marriage. Who besides Elizabeth Taylor has pulled that off. How does that even happen after an initial (I assume bitter) divorce. (edit) of course there is a Wikipedia page for this, and the list is longer than I would have guessed - but Richard Pryor is the only one to do it with two different spouses. What they should do is find a way to make the franchise more complex, explore serious themes - so it appeals to the adults that used to be the kids playing with these toys. The Bay movies could have easily been serious sci-fi movies, that were allegories for various challenges we face today. Energy/resource crises (Energon shortage), pollution, corrupt leadership, war, exercising force on less technologically advanced cultures -- the list goes on. Instead it was just CGI trash, with ludicrous scripts. You can't argue with the Box office though -- this is what the people wanted, sadly. (Though no one ever admits they like those movies even though they made billions) I was shocked how good this was, I am surprised it is doing so poorly. Hell, I don't understand why the Bay movies did so well. Obviously the title they gave this movie is a bit confusing given the catalog. This tied so many things together.. even the Quintessons from the first movie came back. They need to decide if they are going after the adults who played with these as kids, or if they are trying to get new younger fans. This probably came closest to threading that needle. But as an OG fan, Peter Cullen would have been better AND cheaper as Optimus. I suspect you cannot learn to have empathy, you are born with a certain amount and at best you can maybe fake it... I believe this is what sociopaths do. Perhaps this is like telling someone to try harder to be taller. I don't disagree with you, I was just offering a quick alternative in case he didn't have an account. You are quite a hostile individual... I don't dispute that there are countless situations where people would like large amounts of cash. At a secure location like a business, or many of the examples you describe it is a natural thing. My focus is on moving in the open with that money. I just think it is reckless to bike around strange areas with $30k cash on you, even if you can afford it. You believe it is common and fine, I think there is no good reason you should need to take that risk. That's fine, we can agree to disagree. What was the significance of the hair falling to the mountainside and a plant growing from it? A lot of time was spent on that with the time lapse, but unless I missed something that went nowhere. Charlize Theron could have pulled this off, she seems big and based on Atomic Blonde her action scenes have a convincing brutality. I was shocked that ATJ is actually 5'8" -- even full grown she seemed to scrawny to pull off some of the things she was doing. So please provide a (legal) example why someone would need to be walking around with over $5k outside of a secure location. Instead of insulting me why don't you teach me. I am willing to learn. I was also getting a bit of Mel Gibson in Payback I take your point... however killing the god to get the head purely for money, just tipped the balance too far. It seemed out of character for how her character was developed. For what you are saying to work everyone involved has to be partly right and partly wrong. This gives rise to complex motivations that make you realize things are not black and white. In this case that god was completely innocent and peaceful. At least the wolves were vicious and violent and there I could relate to the conflict from both sides. You are 100% correct. She is portrayed as regal and wise, but that did not match her completely unsustainable approach. If her people were not allowed to live safely and share a replaceable amount of the resources it would have made more sense. As is trying to kill the god was a metaphor for burning the forest - literally biting the hand that is feeding you. Plenty of supes have taken the laser with no damage. I am sure he is immune to it as well. However, it is unclear whether Victoria can blow his brains. Why does he have to be a tool? Can't he just be bad at his job? That isn't a crime. Also his portrayal of an American drug dealer in The Wire was so good, many people had no idea he was British. I'd say that is decent acting. I tend to think that while your complaint is valid, this is not a reflection of the actor's ability. Moviegoers want and pay for, familiarity. Actors today are not rewarded to be versatile. If the Rock did a drama as a middle aged man, it would bomb.