RoloTony's Posts

“I could eat” More Spirit-of-the-80’s than S2 of Stranger Things S2 - Too much weird for the sake of being weird I assume this show isn’t eligible for an Emmy because... Did I dream O’Keefe?? Nice “Bridge of Spies” Ripoff That was just gross... S3: Bored to Tears So...O’Keefe?... What IS this show??? Barbershop Episode needs an Emmy nod I didn't believe a single performance. Can we kill off Saul already? Much better than AHS Louie saved the show Please don’t let this be the whole S7 story... No lisp in People vs OJ? Reminds me of “Almost Human”... S4: From Plausible to just Campy. If "Ghost", "Beetlejuice", and "Futurama" had a baby...