MovieChat Forums > Knish > Replies
Knish's Replies
I would help someone escape from prison with a helicopter maybe.
Good question, I can't find any news about it either.
For Quentin, violence in film is entertaining except for some instances.
You don't seem to understand that for a lot of people it's fun to watch.
There is nothing wrong with gore and exploitation in film.
Such a stupid reason to do a film, I thought he was a serious actor.
You seem lonely
Edison (2005)
I would agree that the conclusion is the weakest part of the story, that's true for a lot of films and series. It's easier to set things up than to tie everything together. But true detective for me is all about the mood and atmosphere so I can forgive the conclusion.
I am confused, did you like it or not?
Both are made in the same year.
Too bad it lasted about 20 minutes.
The future will never happen, it’s always now.
Reindeer games!
Josh Trank
1. Fallen
2. Devil in a blue dress
3. Man on fire
4. Training day
That’s just how women are. Don’t blame the writers, blame the women.
I didn’t smell anything and there were no reasons to predict it.
You listed every single one of them
Yes, one of the reasons this is a great film.
A lot of times the love story is the worst thing about a film.
Like I love bottle rocket, but the love story in it really takes it down.
Yeah and “this is why so and so looks so familiar”, ugh.