bellington83's Replies

Magazine business? Writer? Sam Rockwell should be top of that list!! Originally a playstation character? Normally an inanimate object? Is the character self aware? This explains some of it Appeared as a parody of himself? Convicted of a crime? StumbleUpon was a discovery and advertisement engine that pushed web content recommendations to its users. Its features allowed users to discover and rate Web pages, photos and videos that are personalized to their tastes and interests using peer-sourcing, social-networking and advertising principles. It is now defunct If it was still here but as it's not, Tv show is still running? Male? Actress won an Oscar for their portrayal? Movie has won academy awards? Wow!! I'm honestly amazed you have War of the Buttons, a random Irish production from the 90s. You should check out Gravy if you get a chance, there's worse ways to spend 90 minutes Gravy (2015) Hellen Keller vs Nightwolves (2015) War of the Buttons (1994) 1. Alec Guinness – Star Wars (1977) 2. Gary Oldman - Air Force One (1997) 3. Tommy Lee Jones - The Fugitive (1993) 4. Richard Dreyfuss - American Graffiti (1973) 5. Jared Leto - Blade Runner 2049 (2017) 6. Diane Keaton - Morning Glory (2010) 7. Marlon Brando - Apocalypse Now (1979) 8. Brad Pitt - The Devil's Own (1997) 9) Sean Connery- Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade (1989) 10. Sam Rockwell - Cowboys and Aliens (2011) From a tv show? Politician?