MovieChat Forums > Ziggy > Replies

Ziggy's Replies

You’re asking a question about hate, but you can’t answer a question about love? Love and hate are opposites, so it should be no issue for you. But to answer your question, of course I don’t hate you and yours. I don’t even know you. I do, however, question the amount of knowledge you have about the issues. I have trouble believing that anyone who has an honest knowledge of the issues would ever support Trump. You would be incorrect. That same argument was used to keep slavery legal. And how is healthcare for women on constitutional? I never said you did. I’m really surprised that you think being ignorant is something to be proud of. Do you love Trump even though he does not love you? Why do you think the individual states should have that power? What makes you think I was trying to shame anyone? So your excuse for being horrible is that some religious people are also horrible? Um, Pagans believe in Pagan gods. You’ve never heard of Aristotle? Really don’t give two hoots about whether or not you believe in God. I do think you’re complete jerk for the way that you discussed this topic. You’re absolutely right that people are complaining about this exhibit without having the first freaking clue what they’re talking about. You can point that out without being a complete jerk. You don’t have to believe in God in order to be a nice person. And anyone who doesn’t know that religion does, in fact, exist outside the United States is an idiot. So you’re saying that women subjugate themselves for men when they choose to change their name when they get married? Kind of sexist, aren’t you? Did you know that many scientists are also religious? Did you know that religion and science are not mutually exclusive? Aristotle is the philosopher/mathematician/scientist who is credited with the idea of a first cause. Again, you do not need to believe in God in order to know that there had to be a first cause. If you are not familiar with the concept of “first cause,“ I encourage you to look it up. Again, you should probably educate yourself so that you don’t continue humiliating yourself. People have believed in God since the beginning of time. Are you under the impression that there are not people living outside of the US, who believes in God? You might want to educate yourself before you shoot your mouth off again. Some thing or someone caused everything else to be. There had to be a first cause. Many believe that first causes God. So even if you do not believe in God, there is still a first cause. You might want to consider actually reading the article instead of just posting a link. That article does not say what you think it says. It is highly critical of Trump.