MovieChat Forums > Ziggy > Replies

Ziggy's Replies

If you are too blind to realize just how upset Trump was that Harris got under his skin, there's probably nothing anyone can say to help you see the truth. Did you not notice how thin his skin is? He completely lost it when she said that people leave his rallies early. That's who you want as the President? Someone who can't handle a playground insult? Your standards for The President of the United States are much, much lower than mine. Harris look confident and in control. That is what we need in a President. Are you under the impression that if you split hairs on the definition of "interrupting" that it somehow helps Trump not appear completely unhinged and pathetic? Mumbling "That's a lie," out of ear shot and shaking her head is hardly going to keep people from hearing Trumps words. If Trump wasn't rattled, why did he feel the need to address it. Do you really think, "I'm talking now," made him look impressive? It made him look like she was really getting under her skin. The fact that she could so easily get under his skin (just by saying, "That's a lie,") shows how easier he will lose his cool when deal with actual problems and foreign heads of state. A President needs to be able to let the little things role of their backs. Trump proved that he does not have the temperament to be President. All he does is make difficult situations worse. Harris is calm, confident, optimistic and qualified. She can handle tough leaders, and she can handle them with class. Yes, that much was obvious ... You seem to have failed to understand what I said, so I'll try again. Harris (in 2020) was standing up for herself and very skillfully put Pence in his place. She showed the nation that she was a strong, confident woman, who was not going to let anyone walk all over her. She also showed that she could do so without being angry or defensive, something that Clinton struggled with. Trump, on the other hand, looked angry, weak and petty. "Does that sound familiar," highlighted how childish he really is. At no point did this score him points. It only made him look pathetic. You're the one believing Trump, not me. Really? I thought it made him look sad. To have to say, “does that sound familiar?" made it seem like he didn’t realize that she owned Mike Pence with that line. It didn’t work so well for Trump. It just made him look like a whiny baby who knew he wasn’t being taken seriously. I just assumed saying that he talked over her multiple times was sufficient. (Especially since he did that after almost every question.) Sorry to disappoint you, but Trump didn’t even come close to nailing her with that “I’m talking now,” comment. He thought he was being clever, but he was so angry when he said it, he just ended up looking sad and pathetic. She didn’t have to lie. Trump lied more than enough for both of them. Oh, but I did. “ talking over Harris multiple times when it was her turn to talk? There were many times when his mic should have been cut off, but the moderators let him make his point first.” Her very soft comments hardly mattered, but he cut her off many times and was allowed to. He’s such a big, dumb bully. if he had anything of substance to say, he would just say it instead of crying about it, because he knows she’s more intelligent, has an actual plan for things and actually knows what she’s saying. He just keeps restating the same things over and over again and hopes voters are dumb enough to think he knows what he’s saying. He’s intimidated by her intelligence and by her ability to be calm and confident. He couldn’t rattle her, but wow did she get under his skin! Her smiles and facial expressions were very restrained. He looked ridiculous and unhinged, and I was laughing my butt off! Derp Oh what record? They’re not official Harris policies. Um, no. Trump saying it doesn’t magically make it true. Even if you close your eyes and wish really really hard, you’re still just repeating Trump’s lies. Derp? I should have known you were in junior high. Seriously? That’s your definition of interrupting? Then how do you define talking over Harris multiple times when it was her turn to talk? There were many times when his mic should have been cut off, but the moderators let him make his point first. Keep repeating the lies if it makes you feel better, but it won’t make it true :-) Not the same thing as creating policy. Absolutely! That is vastly more mature than turning beat red, gripping the edge of the podium, spitting into the microphone, unable to move on because she said that people leave his rallies early. Poor baby! Um, no. Try again. Trump was permitted to interrupts multiple times. Never once was he cut off. She tried to interrupt one time (one time) and the moderators moved on. Votes on a post are not even remotely scientific. Also, that does not disprove what I said. Hello! She's not the President right now! She can't do anything. That's not her role. Harris was incredibly composed and mature. She didn't break out laughing at how ridiculous and unhinged he was, and that alone won her the debate! Trump was completely unhinged. He was an angry crybaby who couldn't deal with the fact that she made him look bad. Do I want a President who is a mature person who doesn't lose her cool every time someone dares to challenge her? Yes, that is exactly who I want as President. Donald Trump is a narcissist who doesn't care about anyone but himself and throws a hissy fit anytime someone dares to contradict or insult him. He's pathetic.