OvertonPendulum's Replies

I've never lost any rights. You are not the administrator here. You were maybe thinking of America but you wrote the world. Now you can't even own up to the fact you made a mistake. n=1 is not science. On average you people commit much more crime even if you control for SES. Your representation is ill deserved. You haven't earned it. I've explained in another tread. White liberals have an anti White bias. That's because they feel sorry for Blacks for being so pathetic and problematic. I have given arguments they are decontextualized and uncontrolled for population. I have also explained why it's logical to question them since woke liberals lied about Black contribution and I've explained why. The Blade was made 24 years ago. Give me a modern example. I've explained it. Anti White bias of White liberals: Liberals are more willing to murder someone for the greater good if that person has a white sounding name rather than a black sounding one. http://journal.sjdm.org/9616/jdm9616.pdf Liberals think black people being genetically superior to white people with respect to intelligence is more plausible than the reverse. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326144740_Low-status_groups_as_a_domain_of_liberal_bias?fbclid=IwAR29ijTH0WZQ1-XRpLtvhJpUrOMKWrKrXZ8ET2IAUBf2qgYf8iJDCdB4pMQ Hearing about white privilege caused liberals to feel less sympathy for poor white people. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2019-22926-001?doi=1 Liberals feel non-whites should not pay more for home insurance due to living in a high-risk area but as neutral about whether white people should. https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Liberals would support censoring research showing white genetic superiority with respect to intelligence more than they would support censoring evidence of black superiority. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333677484_A_Cross-cultural_Analysis_of_Censorship_on_Campuses White liberals are the only group who on net prefer other racial groups to their own. https://twitter.com/ZachG932/status/1100501799260311553 You said world. Are you too stupid you don't even know what you said? No giving someone something without him deserving it is not the right ting to do. You are the only group rewarded for your bad behaviour (crime, welfare, illegitimacy, gangsta culture...etc) I was talking about modern unfairness to Blacks. I gave good arguments why these lists are questionable and why they mean nothing without controlling for population size. You haven't even addressed these two arguments. I am not different than the average Black is when it comes to inner group preference. Except Blacks are allowed inter group preference, but Whites are called racist for doing the same thing No you haven't. Give me an example of modern unfairness to Blacks. They are mistreated because the liberal White elites have anti White (ethno masochistic biases). They hate the working class conservative Whites and have a pro Black bias. There are not more White people in the world, only in the USA. How stupid are you? Do you even know the difference between the USA and the world. Because Blacks are better at basketball, but not necessarily better at acting. You are only getting representation because you are such a pathetic race that liberal Whites feel sorry for you. You haven't created next to nothing of your own. No you never gave me an example . I went and checked it again. Then why don't you list them? Also B on W swap is practical not ideological. Yes you do need to if you want to claim that you blame everyone equally. I do not blame an individual for the crimes others of his race commit and you have no evidence I do. I grant Black people everything I demand for my people (the right to a country, the right to an identity....etc) How are Black people mistreated? NBA demographic statistics is the proof. Evolutionary theories explain why Blacks evolved to be better at sports. White people built America, built Hollywood and invented virtually all of the characters. We deserve to be the majority. In fact we don't owe any other race representation. We aren't stopping them from making their own movies. I did not lose any rights. You are not he moderator of this forum. You accused me of linking White supremacist site and never given ANY proof. No they don't and I've explained why. Your perception is skewed by few reports of Muslims leaving Islam. Muslims are having lots of babies, Islam isn't going anywhere. Just look at how Westernization failed in Afghanistan. Europeans are already sick of both woke ideology and Islam. Just look at elections in Sweden and Italy. Name me one thing on that site that implies bias of any kind other than the IQ results themselves. The site isn't even political much less White supremacist. Islam hasn't been reformed ONCE in 1400 years. It is very different than Christianity. Just ask Sam Harris. It's not my religion. I'm an atheist. I have addressed your "context" about crime stats. Poverty doesn't explain it, oppression doesn't explain it. There is racial difference is crime even at the same socio economic status. Plenty of other groups like Asians and Jews have also been oppressed yet they never committed a lot of crime. No I have not invalidated my point. What use is holding power if you can't use it for your own people. It's useless. No attempt to contest my point about White guilt causing White depression and opioids use. Yes it is. IQ is mainstream science. Of course they're better at basketball. What planet are you living on? Our concerns are legitimate because it's White to Black race swap is happening. Meanwhile even you can't come up with a good example of the reverse. Stats are a best way of judging ethnic groups. Their average IQ, their crime rates, etc. No you haven't. Show me evidence of post 1964 unfairness to Blacks or show me where you have shown it. So you admit this is the best you can come up with? A minor character in a lame remake of a less known movie? That compared to Spiderman, Annie, James Gordon, Catwoman, Little Mermaid...etc. Then show me evidence you ever in the past criticized other groups for their historic behaviour. Civil war in the 1950s America was unthinkable, but now everyone is worrying about it. The more liberal society becomes, the bigger the danger of civil war. People like you are the ones who are sparking civil war. I read the data and it doesn't say "non Hispanic White" . In the census Hispanics are countd under Whites. You lose. Yes in war morality is totally different. It includes Hispanics and even then they're LESS than their share of the population. No info on how many of them are Black. That's because Blacks are way ABOVE their share of the population.