Terrygg's Replies

It reminded me more of Underworld. Kill and rob people. Who's gonna risk raping a group of psycho girls who are carrying weapons? Yeah but how many times does one person in the couple turn out to be a narcissistic psychopath? lol Larry would never think to speak to his wife that way and was just taking advice from his bitch of a sister. His sister never liked Suzanne to begin with. She didn't think Suzanne would ever amount to anything worthwhile and she was totally supportive of her brother and his dreams and aspirations. So you can very well sense that in that scene, Larry's words and attitude were straight from his sister's point of view of the situation. It's like she was speaking through him. Larry's sister was the one that set the whole resentment towards Larry and Suzanne. When the shot of Suzanne perception of Larry narrows down to a point, you know that she falls out of love with Larry and thinks less of him as a person. Ironically everyone else got famous because of what Susan did, but Susan never did become as famous as she aspired. That's the impression I got as well. I agree. It is very unusual. Perhaps it was word of mouth? I decided to watch the sequel because I liked the looks of the trailer. I wouldn't recommend the sequel though because I didn't like the way the mystery developed. Because they sequel is better than the first movie. I couldn't get passed the first 20 minutes of the first movie. The second movie wasn't all that great either, it had some scary moments and ripped off concepts from other movies about possession, but overall, a much improvement over the first movie. I actually felt pity for the child and family in Ouija 2 which I didn't feel sorry for the hero in the first movie. [url]https://youtu.be/U6jToHx2V34[/url] The scene begins @38:04 Wonder Woman Dunkirk Blade Runner 2049 Pirates of the Carribean Dead Men Tell No Tales Spiderman Homecoming Transformers The Last Knight Detroit Baby Driver Justice League Baywatch Sounds interesting enough. I may rent it. How would you rate the movie so I know what to expect? Which is why Casey plays an degenerate asshole so well. I remember the first movie I saw Casey in was To Die For. His character, Russel Hines, was a teenage hoodlum turned criminal. I was convinced. There is a line in the movie where Casey says about women, " All their nerves are balled up in their snatch..." He looked like he really liked that line. I'm just saying. I've heard the publicity and I still am shocked. I just haven't made up my mind on whether or not I should keep watching movies where Casey is the lead.. I think Ben is a better actor than Casey. Or better yet, what would studios do when the people oversees gets tired of seeing the same ole movies Hollywood keeps producing? I guess if it sells then they will make even more and writers from other countries will add their own style to our movies. I don't think there is such a thing as Dwarf porn. lol She gets on top of him? Or she lies down with her legs spread while his legs are just long enough for him to ride her. Not to give anything away so I'll just say that the mutant girl is a badass. I hear that BCBS pays the most of the bill than other insurances.