MovieChat Forums > To Die For (1995) Discussion > SPOILER: Did the ice skater at the end.....

SPOILER: Did the ice skater at the end....

(Spolier ahead)

... discover Suzanne's body in the ice?

Its a little hard to tell because it occurs right at the end of the closing credits, but it seems like the ice skater stops in the middle of the pond for a moment and then suddenly quickly departs the ice. My take is that she (the skater)
saw the body and that is why she leaves the ice so fast.


I can't remember the scene exactly but I always got the impression, seeing as the husband sister was an iceskater, that his family had her killed and that was just a confirmation - like 'dance on your grave' sort of thing.

I think the spirit of that scene is to reinforce that his family ultimately got revenge.


That's the impression I got as well.


It was his sister and she knew Suzanne was buried under there. that's why she was smiling



Yes, it was her most definitely dancing on her grave, and if you watch the entire end credit, you'll see she skates for the entire "Season of the Witch" and when the song fades out, she skates out of frame at that very moment. Perfectly timed out; nicely done. Kudos to the producers. Could win Best End Credit Oscar ever...



Ho Hum Nothing!! As a fellow geek I offer a laurel and hardy handshake for riviting yourself to the very end. I imagine he either timed the song and had her skate for that exact period, or as you say, just played the song. Sorry, not much insight here. However it just made the whole experience of watching an excellent film a touch better. There are no meager film questions. It's an art form extrodinaire and if some future Director picks up on something useful, we've just served to better the cause.


@ Here_Hare_Here. I think you are wrong, Illeana Douglas does dissapear from the screen for 1 or 2 seconds. It is just when the credits for ''Holland Taylor (Carol)'' are about to dissapear from the screen.

So, my point is that they could have changed Illeana Douglas with a professional dancer. I suspect that because from that moment she starts to do many acrobatics like a pro.

Just my point of view.


I agree that there was the satisfaction of revenge in the sister skating over her body. I wonder if this scene might have upset people more than others, because I just watched the movie again on my cable's "On Demand" service, and they ran the credits over a blacked-out screen with "Season of the Witch" playing.


The skater knows who is under the ice, how she got there, and why.

We all agree she is "Dancing on her Grave:

ALSO, I've not seen these mentioned before

Shes sending the message "you were and are beneath us"
When she skates off (moving upper screen-right), she is implying that

"we've put you behind us"


Nice read, perfectstranger. I hadn't thought that deep ('cause I'm not) but you make good points. Yes, this film is jam packed with messeges both good and wierd. I figure about 16 more viewings and I'll have the dialog down. Love it.


Love this movie and I really love the ending. . .

. . .but have you noticed when it plays on TV, the screen goes black and they roll the credits or they freeze the shot on the frozen pond in the background and then roll the credits. . .

. . .I've yet to see any station show the ice skater anymore. . .

"The goldfish stays in the picture!"


It's a disservice to the people who work on the film.

The TV stations are so intent on showing you what's next, that they cut off the films credits or shrink them down to make room for their ads.

Don't get me started on the pop-ups during a show about other programming. It's akin to talking in the theater.

"a malcontent who knows how to spell"



And Donovan's "Swason of the Witch: playing at the closing credits- too perfect.

English MA: Symbolism/my life. Truth vs the world - Boudicca of the Iceni


It's all these pacifistic bleeding-heart weak liberals who don't like the ending.

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


I'm a pacifistic liberal, who is neither weak nor a bleeding heart, who LOVES this ending. You can blame the stations who feel the need to cut stuff that is "unimportant" in order to shove 754 minutes of ads into every damn movie they air.

Why do half of the threads on here devolve into political complaints and insults? TALK ABOUT THE MOVIE!!!!

"I like the libertarian view, which is to leave everyone alone. Even as a kid, I was annoyed by people who wanted to tell everyone how to live."


Crazy conservatives blame everything on liberals.
Loony liberals blame everything on conservatives.
They deserve each other. Its just a shame the rest of us have to suffer.


Ironically everyone else got famous because of what Susan did, but Susan never did become as famous as she aspired.



It looked like she stopped and looked down at the spot where the body was. It even looks like the area where she looks has a pink tint, the same color as her dress.


I love this movie so much, and the ending is a big part of that. I do believe that the older sister (Ileana Douglas) was skating in that specific spot for a good reason. She really hated Suzanne Stone, never thought she was good enough for her brother, and she was really devastated by his death. She definitely would've been signing up to proverbially dance on her grave.

I remember desperately wanting to see this movie, but stuff kept happening and I was in grad school, but finally it came back to the art theater on campus. I was deathly sick, but dragged myself out to it. Which is how I discovered that the concessions stand would give you free hot water in a cup if you brought your own teabag. I didn't have a teabag, but the hot water was heavenly. So was the movie!
