MovieChat Forums > radarlove73 > Replies
radarlove73's Replies
For sexy witches i think Patricia Quinn in Hammer House of Horror Witching Time gives Barbara Steele a run for her money.
She got even hotter as she got older, very sexy woman.
Sonans, you sound suspiciously like you were passed over by a woman of your own age because she preferred a much older man, bitter much?
Ithilfaen, way to make yourself look like a twat.
Good call, i thought that too.
hownos, I assume that when people put in a film they watch it.
Conan and the first Terminator for me followed by Predator.
She also has tons of charisma too.
Snow maniac, hold on i've got a spoon here somewhere.
Braingirl, Do you get on with everyone that you've ever met?
Binkconn, he thought that he was untouchable.
manram24, they did make it clear, surely you don't have to be spoon fed every single detail.
dra4, if you are going to put a film on it's a good idea to actually watch it and not play on your phone.
Coryraisa, i think that you really need to watch the film again and pay attention next time.
SnoozeAlarm, totally agree with you, great acting by all the cast, the stand up has got to be Andy Garcia when he suspected that his wife had sex with Peck, raw emotion, Great film.
I'm sorry but i can't agree with your opinion, i just can't see any attractiveness in Nancy Travis.
hannahp1 Liked your post until "The acting also should be noted-holds up very well by todays standards." which implies that today's acting is superior to the acting of the 60's, i think you will find that it is the other way around.
Reminisce, Cowboy wasn't weak, he fought very well against The Punks, He got taken out by the lead Furie because he was exhausted after all that running and had nothing left.
Gressos Luther only blamed The Warriors because Fox was the first person he saw immediately after shooting Cyrus.
I agree, i believe that he was taking to the Mafia, asked "Are we set? " would indicate that they are being paid. Cyrus "Now, here's the sum total: One gang could run this city! One gang. Nothing would move without us allowing it to happen. WE COULD TAX THE CRIME SYNDICATES, the police, because WE GOT THE STREETS, suckers! Can you dig it?" I don't think the Mafia would favour being taxed and controlled by anyone so Cyrus had to be killed. And when Swan asks Luther he is hardly going to say that the Mafia paid him.