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stratcat45's Replies
Clone definitely remembered, she was afraid of the real one coming back for her but when she told her husband the story, he laughed it off. Even if she didn't remember, it could be from the fact that she just walked into a world she didn't know, couldn't talk and her parents did speak to a therapist so she probably had therapy as well. Many people block out traumatic events that happen to them.
The real one obviously experienced trauma from the event which probably made her somewhat "crazy" BUT she was more advanced then the other clones, which made her "special" in their eyes.
Let's say lookalikes show up at your house, hold you hostage and the one able to talk says "hey, you're married to a clone, I'm the real one" Would you believe it?
THANK YOU!! I was thinking the same while catching up last night. It's like, we made this hit show and now we don't know what to do with it....hmmmm..... let's try every tragic thing imagineable and make it all happen to this one family.
I'm about done......
Well yes the zombies were terrifying when the show began. The dead got up and walked and ate people, it was horrifying!
But with the time jump and such, we're what? 10 years in now? The zombies are no longer a threat. They know how to handle them and the threat isn't there anymore.
Mankind is always the worst enemy.
I'm guessing the "movies" will explain some of that.
I've always loved the Negan character; but I understand why you feel the way you do about him. And since things do change from the may end up getting your wish, lol!
I agree with all the wandering out and searches. Even I could plainly see that the arrows were a trap.
The show does still have balls.....but it seems that now if they kill off a main character all the fans cry and boo hoo and are never watching again. If they would just stick to the source material......
I wouldn't recommend anyone paying to see it (like I did). I didn't like it....but the more I think about it, I'm thinking now knowing what I do, it could be worth an unpaid rewatch (Netflix) just to see it already knowing the twist.
There should be more animals around......but.....we've seen the walkers eat horses and deer; Lizzie fed them rats.... so they **do** eat animals. Actually I think there is a scene in one of the first two seasons where there are some feeding off dead dogs in the street.
But by now I'm guessing the dogs would of adjusted to the walkers.
There have been a lot of differences between the comics and the series. You need to go back to square one and watch all the seasons. There are characters in the comics who are still alive, but dead in the series and vice versa. Some seasons are better than others but even the less than perfect ones have some good episodes in them.
Actually this season has been pretty good, which was needed as they drove the Negan storyline out way too long (and I love Negan but was glad when that storyline ended).
How did diver Dan breathe under water when he killed the iguana? There were no hoses or tanks and that suit would have held about two breaths worth of air.
Not sure, but it is a fairytale so everything goes!
How did Violet's rescuers get the rope to the ogre side?
Another fairytale! But they were obviously performers!
Why didn't the horny king have to reload a single shot, single barrel gun after firing, when he was hunting the pig or was he gonna look like a schmuck and dry fire??
He probably never really shot anything anyway, but always took the credit.
Why was it not explained why Joshua boned out? Assumably, he was under some sort of threat and I think the story would have benefited if it were explained.
The Queen had tried to kill him, that's why he left.
What was the deal with Violet at the end? Was she made queen? Did king Toby abdicate?
She was made Queen.
Was Elias king since Salma was dead and if so, what about Josh?
Elias returned Josh to his wife and then Elias returned home. He was King as his mother was dead; however,
he was to be made King on his 18th birthday anyway.
Who was the first character shown (never saw the face) and what was their purpose?
I believe that was the person that came to tell the King & Queen how to have a child.
Who was the person and what was her "condition", that upset Salma in the beginning?
She was just an entertainer but she was pregnant and thus that upset the Queen who couldn't conceive.
How is it that Salma was the only person in the movie with a Spanish accent?
It wasn't unusual back in the day for a King/Prince to marry a Queen/Princess from another kingdom to
set up an alliance between the kingdoms.
Why was Joshua in the forest and how/why was he injured?
My guess is he went out to hunt for food. He fell through the roof of the cave and was injured from the fall.
What was the point of the spring coming out of the tree when nothing made of it other than ducks bathing in it?
Joshua told Elias that as long as that water ran clear, Elias would know that Joshua was safe. That's why when the water
turned red; Elias went looking for Joshua. definitely isn't following the source anymore!
Didn't The Governor chop off Rick's hand though? (it's been so long since I've read that part).
On Talking Dead they said it was filmed at the Georgia Capital......they hung the banners to each area to make it look like the Smithsonian Museum, so that's how I knew where they supposedly were. I haven't been there in a couple years (and I know that building has been updated since then) but the last time I was there...there was a huge elephant in the middle, no big staircase and no glass floor.
That makes sense, but I think part of the problem with Negan is he plays very well in the pages of the comics..but didn't transfer well onto the screen. Maybe it's the shows writing or maybe he just makes a better comic character.
I just tell myself that it's a show about the dead walking and eating people, so realism goes out the window so I just sit back and enjoy. I do it with all the Super Heroes, I can do it with this one. However, I don't need the filler episodes that go no where.
I agree with what you are saying. TWD has way too many people in it now and a leader in each location; you can't keep track of everyone and screen time gets wasted on characters you care nothing about.
I think the recent change up in Fear is making a difference. I stopped watching Fear after about episode 3 in season 2. I didn't like the characters, didn't like the storylines...... I started watching with the first Morgan episode this season. I liked it....I like the new characters, I like the few characters they've kept from the original cast (and was so glad the others are gone), I like that I didn't have to go back and rewatch seasons 1-3 to get caught up...I can just start at season 4 and nothing that happened prior matters, and it's now just what TWD was originally - a small group of survivors on the road trying to survive.
I realize TWD is following a comic, I realize the fans of the comics have iconic scenes that they want to see played out, unfortunately, just because it worked in the comic doesn't mean it transfers well to the screen. Some of it works, some of it doesn't. And the storylines would move quicker if they wouldn't have episodes of "fillers" that take the storyline no where.
Everyone says that but Kirkman has insisted that that will never happen as it would be a rip off to the fans.
I agree - poor writing. It's like they forget he's in the show and then someone notices him and thinks "hey, we're paying that guy he should do some work" and then they make him go stand in the background.
Kirkman has always said that all zombie movies always end with "no hope".....he wants to do a happier ending.
I always thought it would end with old man Carl telling the story to his grandchildren of all the challenges they faced when the dead walked.
But I guess, I can just hope the comic ends that way.
The comics are still going on.
I love Jeffrey Dean Morgan and love him as Negan, but I think Negan's days of leading are done - who would follow him now?
HOWEVER, unlike others I do not believe the Negan storyline killed the show. Being a reader of the graphic novel, the Negan storyline is one of the very best. Why do you think Negan is still around? Because Kirkman LOVES the character - he admits it.
The problem with the Negan storyline is that many of the scenes play out very well in the pages of a comic but don't come across well on the screen. The show chose to milk this storyline out for way too long....too many filler episodes, if they just would of kept the storyline moving, most of you wouldn't be complaining.
You think the Negan storyline was way too long? Wait to the Whisperers storyline is FOREVER!