MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Is this as boring as it looks?

Is this as boring as it looks?

I've read the webcomic a couple of years ago , before the series, and I stopped about when they were at the prison because it became boring and repetitive. I've watched the first three episodes and it seems the series blindly follows the comics therefore I decided not to watch further. Is there a reason to watch further or am I right not to watch.


There have been a lot of differences between the comics and the series. You need to go back to square one and watch all the seasons. There are characters in the comics who are still alive, but dead in the series and vice versa. Some seasons are better than others but even the less than perfect ones have some good episodes in them.

Actually this season has been pretty good, which was needed as they drove the Negan storyline out way too long (and I love Negan but was glad when that storyline ended).


If you decide to watch you should just skip seasons 7 & 8 altogether.

Other seasons may have their rough patches but these 2 seasons had nothing else.


Ok thanks


Do what I do and watch the series on fast forward and then only play at normal speed in order to watch the parts that look interesting. If I didn't do that I would ho out of my mind due to all of the bad dialog, stupid situations, stupid choices and overall repetitiveness of this show. I watch maybe 15 minutes of each episode and amazingly that's enough to understand exactly what is going on. That's how much filler each episode has. I hoped for a long time that they would hire better writers, but they never did. So, I'm stuck with a great concept that has been placed in the hands of neophytes.


Yes it is back in early 2013 until late 2014 i was talking to this girl and basically living in her apartment and her and her female neighbor were obessed with the show and it was really important to her that i be into the show as well so we could watch them together and discuss them like they we were discussing Soap Operas like she used to do with the easily amused black man she had around before me

So she made me sit through the first few seasons with her and my God i was so damned bored and she picked up on this and i was soon replaced by her gay cousin who would watch her shows with her and be all about discussing the soap opera aspects.

In the end i learned that The Walking Dead as well as Sons of Anarchy are soap operas for women, gays and easily amused black men while masquerading as a men's show and the fact that all i hear now is that the show is one big interacial gay orgy my thoughts back then were correct


Grey is not a popular color in the US.
